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The Boao Forum for Asia Progress of Asian Economic Integration Annual Report 201

The Boao Forum for Asia Progress of Asian Economic Integration Annual Report 201

定 价:¥125.00

作 者: 本社 编
出版社: 对外经贸大学出版社
标 签: 国际经济


ISBN: 9787566302885 出版时间: 2012-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 104 字数:  


  Despite the deteriorating global economic environment, Asiastill maintained its growth momentum. After the global financialcrisis in 2008. Asia continued to strengthen its position in theglobal trade. Asia's share in the global trade increased from 29percent in 2009 t0 32 percent in 2010 while the share ofEurope:the world's largest trading bloc, declined from 41 percentin 2009 t0 38 percent


暂缺《The Boao Forum for Asia Progress of Asian Economic Integration Annual Report 201》作者简介


Chapter 1 Important Events of the Year and Theirlmpacts
1.1 The Impaas of japan's Earthquake and Radioactive Leakage onWorld Supply Chains
1.2 The Middle East Upheaval and lts Impact on the AsianEconomies
1.3 The Debt Crisis in the US and Europe
Chapter 2 Foreign Trade lntegration in Asia
2.1 Recent Trends in Asian Trade
2.2 Trends of Trade in Asia: Strong Intra-regional Flows
2.3 Trade Dependence among the TPP Members
2.4 New Directions for China's Imports
2.5 Higher lnterde'pendence among Asian Neighbors
Chapter 3 Tourism and Trade in Services
3.1 Features of Asian Tourism
3.2 Asian Tourism: Destinations and Sources
3.3 Liberalization ofServices in the Asia-Pacific RTAs
Chapter 4 FinanciaI Transformation and Development in Asia
4.1 Equity Market Synchronization
4.2 The Progress of the RMB toward an International Currency
Chapter 5 Factory Asia Phenomenon
5.1 Development of the Asian Production Network
5.2 The Evolving Role of lndividual Economies and the Size of theFactory
5.3 Interdependence of Factory Asia
Appendix Chronological Dates of Economic Integration Agreements inAsia
