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The Boao Forum for Asia The Development of Emerging Economies Annual Report 2012

The Boao Forum for Asia The Development of Emerging Economies Annual Report 2012

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作 者: 对外经济贸易大学出版社 编
出版社: 对外经贸大学出版社
标 签: 国际经济


ISBN: 9787566302908 出版时间: 2012-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 107 字数:  


  The 2012 report continues to mainly study the E11 andintroduces and compares the basic social and economic conditions ofthe E11 economies and their overall performance and changes intheir international ranking. It also analyses the development ofand changes in the economic and trade links among the E11 andbetween the E11 and developed economies before reviewing andanalysing recent economic situation and policies of the E11economies. Based on the above analyses, the overview of this reportsummarizes the development characteristics of the E11 Economies inthe past year and looks into their overa11 development in 2012.


暂缺《The Boao Forum for Asia The Development of Emerging Economies Annual Report 2012》作者简介


Chapter 1 Overview
Chapter 2 Resource Endowment and Infrastucture of the E11
2.1 Natural resources
2.2 Demographic resources
2.3 Infrastructure
Chapter 3 Basic Economic Conditions of the E11 Economies
3.1 Aggregate and per capita GDP
3.2 Economic growth
3.3 Price fluauations
3.4 Employment
3.5 Balance of payments
3.6 Financial markets
Chapter 4 Comprehensive Performanc and Intrnationai Comparison ofthe E11
4.1 Narrowing the gap between the emerging and developed economiesin economic scale
4.2 Major emerging economies leading the globe in economicgrowth
4.3 Rising globaltrade proportion
4.4 Net FDI inflow and foreign exchange reserve pile-upcontinuing
4.5 Diversified changes in international competitivenessrankings
4.6 Steady rise in corporate rankings
Chapter 5 Economic Cooperation Among the E11 Economies
5.1 Continued strengthening of trade links
5.2 Unbalanced development of directinvestment
5.3 Broad prospects for the Ell economic cooperation
Chapter 6 Economic Cooperation Between the E11 and DevelopedEconomies
6.1 Continually declining trade dependence on the developedeconomies
6.2 Diverging development trends of the direct investment
6.3 Rising trade protectionism by the developed economies
Chapter 7 Country Report oft he Ell Economies
7.1 Argentina
7,2 Brazil
7.3 China
7.4 India
7.5 Indonesia
7.6 Republic ofKorea
7.7 Mexico
7.8 Russia
7.9 Saudi Arabia
7.10 South Africa
7.11 Turkey
