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国际商务谈判\黄伟(英文版 高等)

国际商务谈判\黄伟(英文版 高等)

定 价:¥29.00

作 者: 黄伟,钱莉 主编
出版社: 冶金工业出版社
标 签: 商业英语


ISBN: 9787502456351 出版时间: 2012-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 216 字数:  




暂缺《国际商务谈判\黄伟(英文版 高等)》作者简介


Chapter Ⅰ An Overview of International BusinessNegotiations
Section Ⅰ Concept and Characteristics of International BusinessNegotiations
Section Ⅱ Principles of Business Negotiations
Section Ⅲ The Types of International Business Negotiations
Section Ⅳ Forms & Approaches of Business Communication
Chapter Ⅱ The Theories of International Business Negotiations
Section I The Economic Theory
Section II The Basic Psychological Theories of BusinessNegotiations
Section Ⅲ Integrative Approach and Win-win Principle
Section Ⅳ Game Theory and the Principle of Good Faith
Section Ⅴ Other Theories
Chapter Ⅲ Personnel Quality, Psychology and the
Negotiation Team Composition
Section Ⅰ Psychology in International Business Negotiations
Section Ⅱ Individual's Psychological Activities During theInternational Business Negotiations
Section Ⅲ The Negotiators' Qualities
Section Ⅳ The Negotiation Team Composition
Chapter Ⅳ Culture Differences in International
Business Negotiations
Section Ⅰ Cultural Factors Influencing on Negotiation Styles
Section Ⅱ Cultural Differences in International BusinessNegotiations
Section Ⅲ The Business Negotiation Customs and Styles in the PrimeRegions
Chapter Ⅴ Preparations for Business Negotiations
Section Ⅰ The Preparations of Business Negotiations
Section Ⅱ The Information Preparation for BusinessNegotiations
Section Ⅲ Business Negotiation Plans
Section Ⅳ Simulated Negotiations
Chapter Ⅵ Business Negotiation Strategies
Section Ⅰ Strategies of Starting Stage
Section Ⅱ Strategies of Offer
Section Ⅲ Strategy of Consultation Stage
Section Ⅳ Strategies on the Stage of Striking a Bargaining
Chapter Ⅶ Communication Skills in Business Negotiations
Section Ⅰ Verbal Language in Business Negotiations
Section Ⅱ The Non-verbal Language in Business Negotiations
Section Ⅲ Words Expressions in Business Negotiations
Chapter Ⅷ Different Forms of Tactics in International
Business Negotiations
Section Ⅰ Negotiation Skills for the Superior
Section Ⅱ Negotiation Skills for the Inferior
Section Ⅲ Negotiation Skills for the Balance
Chapter Ⅸ Risk Prevention in International BusinessNegotiations
Section Ⅰ Analysis for the Risks in International BusinessNegotiations
Section Ⅱ How to Forecast & Control Risks in InternationalBusiness Negotiations
Section Ⅲ Methods to Avert Risks
Chapter Ⅹ Etiquette for International Business Negotiations
Section Ⅰ Summary for Etiquette in International BusinessNegotiations
Section Ⅱ Basic Business Etiquette
Section Ⅲ Etiquette for International Business Negotiations
