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中澳经济关系:China-Australia Economic Relatinoship

中澳经济关系:China-Australia Economic Relatinoship

定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 丁斗 著
出版社: 中国经济出版社
标 签: 国际经济


ISBN: 9787513614917 出版时间: 2012-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 207 字数:  


  今年是中国和澳大利亚建交四十周年。在这四十年里,中澳关系得到了长足的发展。中国现在已成为澳大利亚最大的贸易伙伴和主要的投资来源国,而澳大利亚对中国的经济发展也十分重要。中澳双方的经济增长互为促进,形成了相互依赖的经济关系。本书回顾了中澳经济关系四十年的历程,并重点评析了近年来的中澳贸易和投资关系。本书有助于更好地理解中澳经济关系的特点和演变。This year marks the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations between China and Australia.In the past four decades, ties between the two countries have grown to the extent that China is now Australia’s largest trading partner and a vital investment source.At the same time, Australia has become crucial to China’s economic development.Both countries have helped each other’s economic growth, shaping the link of economic interdependence. This book examines the course of these changes in China-Australia relations, focusing on economics and trade in recent years. It offers an essential window into understa nding the characteristics and dynamics of economic ties between China and Australia.


暂缺《中澳经济关系:China-Australia Economic Relatinoship》作者简介


第一章 1979年之前的中澳双边贸易
第二章 中国改革时代中的中澳双边贸易
第三章 中澳贸易关系:日益增长的不对称性
第四章 中澳资源贸易
第五章 关于中澳自由贸易区协议的谈判
第六章 中澳双边投资
第七章 中国对澳大利亚资源的投资
第八章 澳大利亚在贸易与政治之间的选择困境
附录1 中澳联合声明,2009年10月30日
附录2 中澳贸易与经济框架协议,2003年10月24日
附录3 把握大局,面向未来,推动中澳全面合作关系深入发展----李克强副总理在澳大利亚工商界午餐会上的演讲,2009年10月30日
附录4 携手推动中澳经贸合作再上新台阶----习近平副主席在中澳经贸合作论坛午餐会上的演讲,2010年6月21日
Chapter 1  Bilateral Trade before 1979
Chapter 2  Bilateral Trade in the Era of China’s Reform
Chapter 3  China-Australia Trade Relations: Growing Asymmetric
Chapter 4  Resources Trade between China and Australia
Chapter 5  Negotiation of China-Australia Free Trade Agreement
Chapter 6  Bilateral Investments
Chapter 7  China’s Investment in Australia’s Resources
Chapter 8  Australia’s Dilemma between Trade and Politics
Appendix 1  China-Australia Joint Statement (October 30, 2009)
Appendix 2  Trade and Economic Framework between Australia and the People’s Republic of China (October 24, 2003)
Appendix 3  Consider Big Picture, Be Forward Looking, Advancing Further Development of China-Australia Relationship-----Chinese Vice Premier Li Keqiang’s Address to Australia China Business Council (October 30, 2009)
Appendix 4  Jointly Push China-Australia Economic and Trade Cooperation to a New Level
------Chinese Vice President Xi Jinping’s Address to China-Australia
Economic and Trade Cooperation Forum (June 21, 2010)
