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定 价:¥31.00

作 者: 张维友,舒白梅 主编,曹曼,闫春梅 分册主编
出版社: 华中师范大学出版社
丛编项: 高等院校英语课程十二五规划系列教材
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787562250692 出版时间: 2012-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 232 字数:  


  《新编综合英语》是为高等院校英语专业综合英语课程编写的教材。《新编综合英语》之所以称为“新编”,是因为它吸收了外语教学研究的新成果,采用了新思路、新理念、新材料、新做法等。《新编综合英语》高级阶段共4册,本册为《新编综合英语(8)》,由曹曼、闫春梅主编,供师范院校英语专业三年级下学期使用。本册由12个单元组成。每个单元包含2篇课文(Reading 1 & Reading 2)与5大板块(SchemaBuilding,Information Surfing,Text Understanding,LanguageBuilding& Teacher Awareness)。




Unit 1 Education
Reading 1 Scenes from the School Turnaround Movement
Reading 2 The Road to School Improvement
Unit 2 Chinese Culture
Reading 1 Social and Intellectual Roots of Constitutionalism
Reading 2 The Spirit of the Chinese People
Unit 3 Philosophy
Reading 1 Prejudices of Philosophers
Reading 2 Walking
Unit 4 Sociology
Reading 1 A Vindication of the Rights of Woman
Reading 2 Conversation
Unit 5 Modern Short Story
Reading 1 Signs and Symbols
Reading 2 A Woman on a Roof
Unit 6 Literary Criticism
Reading 1 On the Knocking at the Gate
Reading 2 The Chaos of Critical Theories
Unit 7 Individual and Society
Reading 1 Self-Reliance
Reading 2 Poems by Emerson
Unit 8 Classic Novel
Reading 1 Pride and Prejudice
Reading 2 Jane Eyre
Unit 9 Nature
Reading 1 An Island Garden
Reading 2 The Aspect of London
Unit 10 Science
Reading 1 Science and Morality
Reading 2 We Choose to Go to the Moon
Unit 11 Story
Reading I The Holiday that Changed Everything
Reading 2 Ballad of the Bottom Dollar
Unit 12 Linguistics
Reading 1 An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics
Reading 2 Iconicity
