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定 价:¥24.00

作 者: 董闽花,李辉望 主编
出版社: 华中师范大学出版社
丛编项: 高等院校英语课程十二五规划系列教材
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787562250685 出版时间: 2012-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 177 字数:  


  《新编综合英语》是为高等院校英语专业综合英语课程编写的教材。《新编综合英语》之所以称为“新编”,是因为它吸收了外语教学研究的新成果,采用了新思路、新理念、新材料、新做法等。《新编综合英语》高级阶段共4册,本册为《新编综合英语(6)》,由董闵花、李辉望主编,供师范院校英语专业三年级下学期使用。本册由12个单元组成。每个单元包含2篇课文(Reading 1 & Reading 2)与5大板块(SchemaBuilding,Information Surfing,Text Understanding,LanguageBuilding& Teacher Awareness)。




Unit 1 Ideal and Wish
Reading 1 Beethoven's Inspiration
Reading 2 How to Summit Life's Everyday Mountains
Unit 2 Care and Concern
Reading 1 The Old Man and the Dog
Reading 2 Why Sisterly Chats Make People Happier
Unit 3 Work & Play
Reading 1 Work Your Way Through College?
Reading 2 Looking for Work
Unit 4 Computer & the Internet
Reading 1 Proclaimed Dead, Web Is Showing New Life
Reading 2 TV's Future Has Arrived (Almost)
Unit 5 Science and Technology
Reading 1 Ethics and Science
Reading 2 A Most Ambitious Experiment
Unit 6 Business and Economics
Reading 1 A Call Loan
Reading 2 The Cupboard of the Yesterdays
Unit 7 Transportation and Traffic Problems
Reading 1 A Lonely Ride
Reading 2 A Psychological Shipwreck
Unit 8 Health and Medical Care
Reading 1 One Family and Its Legacy of Pain
Reading 2 The Art of Medicine
Unit 9 Resources and Energy Supply
Reading 1 Blue Power
Reading 2 Is Science Dangerous?
Unit 10 Generation Gap and Child Education
Reading 1 Parents Who Give Too Much
Reading 2 Life Without Children: The New Generation Gap
Unit 11 Employment and Career
Reading 1 Experience
Reading 2 Career Development
Unit 12 Profession and Job Hunting
Reading 1 Feminine Vocations
Reading 2 Teaching--Seven Uniquenesses of the Teaching Profession
