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定 价:¥26.00

作 者: 刘雅敏 主编
出版社: 上海交通大学出版社
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787313072979 出版时间: 2012-03-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 243 字数:  






Part one Enjoy American English
Day 1 Thought Groups
Day 2 Stress in American English
Day 3 Linking and Blending
Day 4 Emotion in Words
Day 5 Reduced Forms
Day 6 Pronunciation of North American English
Part Two Enjoy Vocabulary Learning
Day 7 Bird
Day 8 Color
Day 9 Eye
Day 10 Insect
Day 11 Fish
Day 12 Clothes
Part Three Enjoy Culture Learning
Day 13 Conversational Styles and Sports
Day 14 Small Talk
Day 15 Telephone Etiquette
Day 16 Compliments in American Engtish
Day 17 College Slang
Day 18 American vs. British English
Part Four Enjoy Learning and Work
Day Five New Year's Resolutions for
Day 20 Finding Beauty and Fun in Everyday Life
Day 21 Living What You Do Every Day
Day 22 Unleashing the Power of Creativity
Day 23 Getting a Job(Part 1) : Resume and Cover Letter
Day 24 Getting a Job(Part 2) : The Interview
Part Five Enjoy Reflections of the Minds
25 Living with Intngrity
26 The Guts to Keep Going
Day 27 The Learning Curve of Gratitude
Day 28 Disrupting My Comfort Zone
Day 29 Being Content with Myself
Day 30 I Am Not My Body
Part Six Enjoy Touching Love
Day 31 There Is No Job More Important Than Parenting
Day 32 Inner Strength from Despomte Times
Day 33 The Christmas Tree Under the Porch
Day 34 A Girl's Gift of Life, Recalled by Her Doctor
Day 35 Finding Love, Again
Day 36 Sex, Love and Dating After 50
Part Seven Enjoy British English
Day 37 Podcast
Day 38 Learning Styles
Day 39 Hybrid Car
Day 40 Business and Ethics
Day 41 Pricing Strategies
Day 42 Knowledge Management
