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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语电子组装技术专业英语



定 价:¥21.00

作 者: 宋长发 主编
出版社: 国防工业出版社
标 签: 电工电子


ISBN: 9787118079524 出版时间: 2012-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 145 字数:  






unit one
 1.1 printed circuit assembly
 1.2 assembly techniques
 1.3 smt design and assembly
 1.4 pcb assembly flows
unit two smc and smd
 2.1 surface mount device definitions
 2.2 sizes of surface mount device
 2.3 smd chip resistors
 2.4 smd ceramic capacitors
 2.5 smd tantalum capacitors
 2.6 smd melf
 2.7 smd transistors
 2.8 mounting of surface mount component
 2.9 component size comparison
unit three printed circuit boards
 3.1 the types of printed circuit board
 3.2 pcb design
 3.3 pcbs raw materials
 3.4 drilling and plating the holes of printed circuit boards
 3.5 creating the printed circuit pattern on the substrate
 3.6 attaching the contact fingers
unit four adhesives
unit five types of solder paste fluxes
 5.1 flux and its requirement
 5.2 inorganic acid fluxes
 5.3 organic acid fluxes
 5.4 rosin
 5.5 no-clean fluxes
unit six solder alloys and applications
 6.1 introduction
 6.2 availability and type of solders
unit seven surface mounted technology
 7.1 component placement machines
 7.2 surface mounted technology
 7.3 component pick-up head types
unit eight techniques of solder interconnection
 8.1 soldering iron method
 8.2 hot air reflow soldering method
 8.3 laser reflow soldering method
 8.4 pulse heating method
 8.5 ir method
 8.6 vapor phase soldering (vps)method
 8.7 convection reflow method(air or n2 reflow)
 8.8 combined convection ir method
 8.9 flow/wave soldering method
 8.10 the temperature profile concept
 8.11 pb-free soldering process
unit nine cleaning
 9.1 water-soluble fluxes
 9.2 no-clean fluxes
 9.3 pcb assembly cleaning
 9.4 pcb cleaning test
unit ten sma inspection technique
 10. 1 vision system of component placement machines
 10.2 inspection process
 10.3 visual inspection equipment
 10.4 visual inspection items
unit eleven handling and esd control
 11.1 electrostatic discharge
 11.2 esd and eos
 11.3 requirements of static-free work station
附录a cp-6系列富士贴片机操作简介
 a1.1 machine components and operation panel
 a1.2 starting and stopping the machine
附录b 专业词汇
