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作 者: 包博 主编
出版社: 水利水电出版社
丛编项: 现代服务领域技能型人才培养模式创新规划教材
标 签: 商业英语


ISBN: 9787508495835 出版时间: 2012-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 286 字数:  






前言 Chapter One Business Promotion 模块一 公司业务推广An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task 1 Introducing a Logistics Company任务1 介绍物流公司Task 2 Introducing the Corporate Business任务2 介绍公司业务Task 3 WritinganEmail ontheBusiness Promotion任务3 撰写与公司业务推广相关的E-mail Chapter Two Customer Service 模块二 客户服务An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task 1 Receiving Client Coultation任务1 接受客户咨询Task 2 Dealing with Disputes任务2 处理纠纷Task 3 Resolving Customer Complaints任务3 解决客户投诉 Chapter Three Storage 模块三 仓储An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task 1 IntroducingaWarehouseanditsDesign任务1 介绍仓库及其设计Task 2 Communicating the Storage ofGoods任务2 货物储存问题沟通 Chapter Four Packaging 模块四 包装An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task l Communication on Packaging Design任务1 包装设计沟通Task 2 Dealing with Complaints on Packaging任务2 解决包装问题投诉 Chapter Five Traportation 模块五 运输An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task 1 Selecting Mode ofTraport任务1 选择运输方式Task 2 Deciding Traportation Route任务2 决定运输路线Task 3 Optimizing Traport Program任务3 优化运输方案 Chapter Six Commissioned Carrier 模块六 委托承运An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task 1 Choosing the Carrier任务1 选择承运人Task 2 Negotiating with the Carrier任务2 与承运人谈判Task 3 DealingwithRelatedIssues with the Carrier任务3 与承运人处理相关事宜 Chapter Seven Purchasing 模块七 采购An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task 1 Receiving the Duty ofPurchasing任务1 接受采购任务Task 2 Fulfilling Purchasing Process任务2 实施采购过程 Chapter Eight Supply Chain Management 模块八 供应链管理An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task 1 Developing Supply Chai任务1 发展供应链Task 2 Solving Supply Chain Problems任务2 解决供应链问题Chapter Nine International Freight Documents 模块九 国际货运代理基础单据An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task Undetanding and Filling in International Freight Documents任务 认识并填制国际货运代理基础单据 Chapter Ten Ipection 模块十 报验An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task 1 Communication on Cargo Ipection任务1 货物报验沟通Task 2 Undetanding Basic Ipection Documents任务2认识报验基础单据Task 3 Filling in Import and Export Ipection Documents任务3 填制进出口报验单 Chapter Eleven Filling in Import and Export Declaratio 模块十一 填制进出口报关单An Introduction to the Tasks任务介绍Task 1 FillinginImportDeclaratio任务1 填制进口报关单Task 2 Filling in Export Declaratio任务2 填制出口报关单参考答案参考文献
