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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术工业技术水利工程水工物理模型与原型观测技术进展(英文版)



定 价:¥168.00

作 者: 李云,吴时强 编著
出版社: 水利水电出版社
标 签: 水利工程施工


ISBN: 9787508485546 出版时间: 2011-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 705 字数:  


  This book was the Proceedings of the International Symposium onHydraulic Physical Modeling and Field Investigation, which wasopened on September 13 -15, 2010, in Nan- jing. There were 4 topicsincluded in the research field: New Technology of Physical Modelingof River, Coastal and Environmental Flows, Advancement in FieldInvestigation for Hydro and Environmental Engineering, Developmentof Instruments and Facilities for Hydraulic and Eco- hydraulicMeasurement, Hybrid Model Approach and Combination of PhysicalApproaches with Numerical Simulation.This book covered 114 papers, which were the newest researchresults in the world. It can be referenced by students, engineersand researchers.




Topic 1 New Technology of Physical Modeling of River, Coastaland Environmental Flows
Experimental Study of Flood Discharge through a High Arch Dam
Design of Data Transmission Networks Based on CAN Bus for PhysicalModel Control System
Role of Physical Models in River Development and Protection
Design and Application of the Automatic Instrumentation forDispatching Used in Hydraulic
Model Test of Cascade Hydropower Stations
A New Arithmetic of Ship Motion by Draw-wire Length
Calibration Test of Doppler Ultrasonic Flow-meter
Sonic Characterisation of Water Surface Waves
Study on the Digital Camera Measuring System based on DigitalCamera and PTV Technology
Remote Water Level Measurement System Based on Ultrasonic Rangingand Wireless Data
Transmission Technology
Design of Multi-point Concentration Measurement System in the ModelTest of Low Level
Radioactive Cooling Water Released from Nuclear Power Plants
Ultrasonic Devices Designed for Concentration Measurements inReservoirs
Development of Swirl Meter for Sewage Pumping Station Model of theHarbour Area Treatment
Scheme in Hong Kong (Stage 2A)
Topic 2 Advancement in Field Investigation for Hydro-EnvironmentalEngineering
The Tai Hang Tung Storage Scheme for Urban Flood Control: ModelStudy and Field Performance
Research on Eco-Hydro-Morphological River Processes by CombiningField Investigations, Physical
Modeling and Numerical Simulations
Comparison of Model Test and Prototype Observation on FloodControlling of Town Housing
Analysis on the Free Vibration Characteristics of Gate Rubber SealConsidering Fluid-solid Coupling
Numerical Study on the Siltation in Harbor Area of the HongqiliWaterway, Pearl River Delta
Physical Model Testing and Validation of Long-Throated Flumes
Air Concentration Distribution at Lower Nappe of a SpillwayAerator
Determination of Discharge Coefficient for Oblique Side Weirs Usingthe Partial Least Square Method
Long-Term Scheduling of Large-Scale Hydropower Systems for EnergyMaximization
Experimental Study and Numerical Verification of 3D ThermalStratified Wake Flow
Hybrid Hydraulic Modeling Approach in the Process of HydropowerPlant Design
Swimming Behavior of Isolated Ayu, Plecoglossus AltivelisAltivelis, in Running Water
Overbank Flow Estimation using ANFIS and Genetic Programming
Transmission Coefficient of Wave Permeable Breakwater
Mechanism of Sediment Transport in Uni-directional, Bi-DirectionalFlows
Coupling Physical and Numerical Models: Example of the TaoussaProject (Mali)
Topic 3 Development of instruments and facilities for hydraulic andeco-hydraulic measurement
Topic 4 Hybrid model approach and combinatin of physical approacheswith numerical simulation
Author index
