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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语生活英语大声说英语1



定 价:¥29.80

作 者: (韩)张惠晶,裴美华 主编
出版社: 南京大学出版社
标 签: 生活口语


ISBN: 9787305090257 出版时间: 2012-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 204 字数:  


  Leam toSpeak,意思是“学着说英语”。但是这句话听起来很矛盾:不直接开口说英语,怎么学英语呢?当然,通过读书和写作也可以获得知识,但开口说是最基础的。如果不做会话练习,那么随心所欲把所知道的知识说出来的那一天将遥遥无期。张惠晶编著的《大声说英语(附光盘Level1)》本着“边说边学”的宗旨,根据学习者的水平编排,让不同阶段的人都能学习。每课安排多种活动以达到让学生直接练习会话的目的。希望学习者通过本书领悟英语的魅力。




Lesson 01 How are you?
Saying hello
Lesson 02 Niceto meet you
Introducing yourself; saying goodbye
Lesson 03 That's OK
Responding to \Thank you\ and \Sorry\
Lesson 04 It's so hot, isn't it?
Descrlbing the present weather
Lesson 05 I'm from China
Talking about nationality
Lesson 06 rm an office Worker
Describing jobs
Lesson 07 It's 202-9898
Describing phone numbers
Lesson 08 It's July 19th
Describing dates
Lesson 09 It's fun@hotmail.com
Describing e-mail addresses
Lesson 10 I'm late for work
Talking about time
Lesson 11 She's nice
Describing a person's personality
Lesson 12 Is your boss handsome?
Describing a person's appearance
Lesson 13 Are you OK?
Describing emotions
Lesson 14 I like gimbop
Talking about food you like and don't like
Lesson 15 Do you like action movies?
Talking about movies you like and don't like
Lesson 16 How much is it?.
Talking about prices
Lesson 17 I work inthe afternoon and study in the
Describing routines; using present tense
Lesson 18 I'm making dinner for my family
Describing present activities; using
present continuous
Lesson 19 You look nice!
Praising appearance
Lesson 20 I want to buy a new blouse
Talking about what you want to do
Lesson 21 I go to work bY subway
Talking about transportation
Lesson 22 I can give you her phone number
Talking about possibilities and when
to use the auxiliary verb can
Lesson 23 I'm going to work Overtime
Talking about future plans; using
future tense
Lesson 24 I went out for adrive
Talking about past activities; using
\past tense\
