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定 价:¥29.80

作 者: (韩)张惠晶,金恩荷,裴美华 主编
出版社: 南京大学出版社
标 签: 生活口语


ISBN: 9787305090325 出版时间: 2012-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 223 字数:  


  Leam to Speak,意思是“学着说英语”。但是这句话听起来很矛盾:不直接开口说英语,怎么学英语呢?当然,通过读书和写作也可以获得知识,但开口说是最基础的。如果不做会话练习,那么随心所欲把所知道的知识说出来的那一天将遥遥无期。张惠晶编著的《大声说英语(附光盘Level3)》本着“边说边学”的宗旨,根据学习者的水平编排,让不同阶段的人都能学习。每课安排多种活动以达到让学生直接练习会话的目的。希望学习者通过本书领悟英语的魅力。




Lesson 01 How have you been?
Saying hello
Lesson 02 I'd like you to meet my best friend, Kelly
Introducing someone
Lesson 03. How many.brothers and sisters do you have?
Talking about family and family life
Lesson 04 I shoud get going
Saying goodbye
Lesson 05 Ok, I got it
Expressing that you understand
Lesson 06 I think so
Agreeing and disagreeing
Lesson 07 It looks like a Wolf
Descnbing people and things
Lesson 08 I'd love to; but I can't
Describing dates
Lesson 09 I'm going to get something for my wife
Buying things at stores
Lesson 10 How would you likeyour steak?
Ordering food at restaurants
Lesson 11 I'm calling to book a flight to Paris
Booking flights
Lesson 12 I have a reservation under Kim
Making reservation at hotels
Lesson 13 What kind of movies do you like?
Talking about favorite movies
Lesson 14 Have you ever been abroad?
Talking about travel
Lesson 15 I have a terrible hangover
Talking about drinking
Lesson 16 You are a real couch potato
Talking about watching TV
Lesson 17 rmonadiet
Talking about food and diet
Lesson 18 Ithinklhaveacoid
Talking about health problems and remedies
Lesson 19 I decided to quit smoking
Talking about smoking habits
Lesson 20 I hardly go to the gym:
Talking about ways of keeping in shape
Lesson 21 Where are you trying to go?
GMng advice about using public
Lesson 22 I used to date a lot
Talking about school days
Lesson 23 Do you know how to change a flat tire?
Giving and getting advice about doing
Lesson 24 I think you shoud try, to be polite
Making reservation at hotels
Check Up
Further Study
