1 Introduction
2 Electro-Mechanical Impedance Technique
3 Impedance Models for Structural Health Monitoring UsingPiezo-Impedance Transducers
4 Damage Quantification Using EMI Technique,Strength and DamageAssessment of Concrete
6 Integration of EMI Technique with Global VibrationTechniques
7 Sensing Region, Load Monitoring and Practical Issues
8 Smart Beams: A Semi-Analytical Method
9 Smart Plates and Shells
10 Cylindrical Shells with Piezoelectric Shear Actuators
11 Fiber Bragg Grating
12 Applications of Fiber Bragg Grating Sensors
13 Monitoring of Rocks and Underground Structures Using PZT and FBGSensors
14 Ionic Polymer-Metal Composite and its ActuationCharacteristics
15 IPMC-Based Biomedical Applications
16 Bone Characterization Using Piezo-Transducers as Bio-MedicalSensors
17 Future of Smart Materials