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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语金融英语阅读(第2版)



定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 陈准民,陈建平 主编,沈素萍 分册主编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 商务英语立体化系列教材·普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材
标 签: 金融与贸易


ISBN: 9787040324020 出版时间: 2011-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 215 字数:  






chapter1 the pbc's development in 60 years
supplementary reading
the monetary-policy maze
chapter2 international monetary fund
supplementary reading
empowering the imf: should reform be a requirement for increasing imf's resources?
chapter3 the world bank group
supplementary reading
banking on coal: why is the world bank subsidizing one of the planet's dirtiest fuels? 42
chapter4 money and finance
supplementary reading
the financial system: domestic and international
chapter5 the evolution of the payments system
supplementary reading
australian payments system
chapter6 what are central banks?
supplementary reading
restructuring of chinese banking industry
chapter7 the federal reserve system
supplementary reading
formal structure of the federal reserve system
chapter8 commercial banks: history of banking
supplementary reading
comments on balance-sheet items
chapter9 bank management
supplementary reading
comments on profit and loss account
chapter10 financial market
supplementary reading
money market instruments
chapter11 the investment process
supplementary reading
emerging markets
chapter12 insurance
supplementary reading
insurance powers of banking institutions
chapter13 euro
supplementary reading
euro banknotes and coins
chapter14 the uruguay round subsidies agreement
supplementary reading
answer key
