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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语高级职业英语读写教程



定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 《高级职业英语》系列教材编写组 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787040276855 出版时间: 2009-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 149 字数:  






Unit 1 Adapting to New Environments
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Unit 2 Handling Personal Information
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Unit 3 Planning Your Career
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Unit 4 Hunting for a Job
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Unit 5 Making Invitations
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Unit 6 Receiving; Visitors
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Unit 7 Managing Office Work
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Unit 8 Organizing Meetings
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Unit 9 Making Business Trips
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do

Unit 10 Interpersonal Skills and Teamwork
Section 1 Before-class Activities: Getting Things Ready
Section 2 In-class Activities: Things to Do
Section 3 Things to Write
Section 4 After-class Activities: More Things to Do
