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当前位置: 首页出版图书科学技术计算机/网络信息安全iOS应用安全攻防(影印版)



定 价:¥59.00

作 者: (美)扎德尔斯基 著
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 信息安全


ISBN: 9787564134464 出版时间: 2012-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 336 字数:  






Preface1. Everything You Know Is Wrong The Myth of a Monoculture The iOS Security Model Components of the iOS Security Model Storing the Key with the Lock Passcodes Equate to Weak Security Foreic Data Trumps Encryption External Data Is at Risk, Too Hijacking Traffic Data Can Be Stolen...Quickly Trust No One, Not Even Your Application Physical Access Is Optional SummaryPart Ⅰ. Hacking2. The Basics of Compromising iOS Why It's Important to Learn How to Break Into a Device Jailbreaking Explained Developer Tools End User Jailbreaks Jailbreaking an iPhone DFU Mode Tethered Veus Untethered Compromising Devices and Injecting Code Building Custom Code Analyzing Your Binary Testing Your Binary Daemon!zing Code Deploying Malicious Code with a Tar Archive Deploying Malicious Code with a RAM Disk Exercises Summary3. Stealing the Filesystem Full Disk Encryption Solid State NAND Disk Encryption Where lOS Disk Encryption Has Failed You Copying the Live Filesystem The DataTheft Payload Customizing launchd Preparing the RAM disk Imaging the Filesystem Copying the Raw Filesystem The RawTheft Payload Customizing launchd Preparing the RAM disk Imaging the Filesystem Exercises The Role of Social Engineering Disabled Device Decoy Deactivated Device Decoy Malware Enabled Decoy Password Engineering Application Summary4. Foreic Trace and Data Leakage Extracting Image Geotags Coolidated GPS Cache SQLite Databases Connecting to a Database SQLite Built-in Commands Issuing SQL Queries Important Database Files Address Book Contacts Address Book Images Google Maps Data Calendar Events Call History Email Database Notes Photo Metadata SMS Messages Safari Bookmarks SMS Spotlight Cache Safari Web Caches Web Application Cache WebKit Storage Voicemail Revee Engineering Remnant Database Fields SMS Drafts Property Lists Important Property List Files Other Important Files Summary5. Defeating Encryption Sogeti's Data Protection Tools Italling Data Protection Tools Building the Brute Forcer Building Needed Python Libraries Extracting Encryption Keys The KeyTheft Payload Customizing Launchd Preparing the RAM disk Preparing the Kernel Executing the Brute Force Decrypting the Keychain Decrypting Raw Disk Decrypting iTunes Backups Defeating Encryption Through Spyware The SpyTheft Payload Daemonizing spyd Customizing Launchd Preparing the RAM disk Executing the Payload Exercises Summary6. Unobliterating Files Scraping the HFS Journal Carving Empty Space Commonly Recovered Data Application Screehots Deleted Property Lists Deleted Voicemail and Voice Recordings Deleted Keyboard Cache Photos and Other Peonal Information Summary7. Manipulating the Runtime Analyzing Binaries The Mach-O Format Introduction to class-dump-z Symbol Tables Encrypted Binaries Calculating Offsets Dumping Memory Copy Decrypted Code Back to the File Resetting the cryptid Abusing the Runtime with Cycript Italling Cycript Using Cycript Breaking Simple Locks Replacing Methods Trawling for Data Logging Data More Serious Implicatio Exercises SpringBoard Animatio Call Tapping...Kind Of Making Screen Shots Summary8. Abusingthe Runtime Library Breaking Objective-C Down Itance Variables Methods Method Cache Disassembling and Debugging Eavesdropping The Underlying Objective-C Framework Interfacing with Objective-C Malicious Code Injection The CodeTheft Payload Injection Using a Debugger Injection Using Dynamic Linker Attack Full Device Infection Summary9. Hijacking Traffic APN Hijacking Payload Delivery Removal Simple Proxy Setup Attacking SSL SSLStrip Paros proxy Browser Warnings Attacking Application-Level SSL Validation The SSLTheft Payload Hijacking Foundation HTTP Classes The POSTTheft Payload Analyzing Data Driftnet Building Running Exercises SummaryPart Ⅱ. Securing10. Implementing Encryption Password Strength Beware Random Password Generato Introduction to Common Crypto Stateless Operatio Stateful Encryption Master Key Encryption Geo-Encryption Geo-Encryption with Passphrase Split Server-Side Keys Securing Memory Wiping Memory Public Key Cryptography Exercises11. Counter Foreics Secure File Wiping DOD 5220.22-M Wiping Objective-C Wiping SQLite Records Keyboard Cache Randomizing PIN Digits Application Screehots12. Securing the Runtime Tamper Respoe Wipe User Data Disable Network Access Report Home Enable Logging False Contacts and Kill Switches Process Trace Checking Blocking Debugge Runtime Class Integrity Checks Validating Address Space Inline Functio Complicating Disassembly Optimization Flags Stripping They're Fun! They Roll! -funroll-loops Exercises13. Jailbreak Detection Sandbox Integrity Check Filesystem Tests Existence of Jailbreak Files Size of/etc/fstab Evidence of Symbolic Linking Page Execution Check14. Next Steps Thinking Like an Attacker Other Revee Engineering Tools Security Veus Code Management A Flexible Approach to Security Other Great Books
