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作 者: 郑金霞,李银霞 主编
出版社: 西北工业大学出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787561227398 出版时间: 2010-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 159 字数:  






Chapter One Daily Communication
Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions
Unit 2 Invitation
Unit 3 Going Shopping
Unit 4 In the Hospital
Unit 5 Weather and Climate
Unit 6 Asking the Way
Unit 7 Likes and Dislikes
Unit 8 Festivals and Holidays
Chapter Two Campus English
Unit 1 Greetings and Introductions
Unit 2 Study
Unit 3 College Life
Unit 4 Entertainment
Unit 5 Talking of Future
Unit 6 Looking for a Job
Chapter Three Office English
Unit 1 Telephone Calls
Unit 2 Reservations and Bookings
Unit 3 Arranging Meetings
Unit 4 Arranging Trips
Unit 5 Office Automation
Unit 6 Sundry Affairs
Chapter Four Business English
Unit 1 Reception
Unit 2 Business Inquiry
Unit 3 Offer and Counter-offer
Unit 4 Terms of Payment
Unit 5 Customs
Unit 6 Exposition
Chapter Five Hotel English
Unit 1 Reservation and Check in
Unit 2 Reception
Unit 3 At the Information Desk
Unit 4 Housekeeping and Laundry Service
Unit 5 Wake-up Call and Barbers Service
Unit 6 Settling Complaints and Maintenance
Chapter Six Tourism English
Unit 1 At a Travel Agency
Unit 2 Planning a Tour
Unit 3 At Attractions
Unit 4 Travelling on a Plane
Unit 5 Activities During the Tour
Unit 6 Services during the Tour
Chapter Seven Practical Speech
