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定 价:¥35.50

作 者: 纵瑞昆,刘秋珍 主编
出版社: 科学出版社
丛编项: 走向职场
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787030282996 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 244 字数:  






Unit One
Job Hunting
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section Ⅲ Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
Unit Two
Job Interview
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section Ⅲ Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
Unit Three
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section Ⅲ Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
Unit Four
Introduction to a Company
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section Ⅲ Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
Unit Five
Introduction to a Product
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section Ⅲ Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
Unit Six
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section Ⅲ Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
Unit Seven
Business Negotiation
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities.
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section HI Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
Unit Eight
Visiting a Doctor
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section Ⅲ Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
Unit Nine
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section Ⅲ Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
Unit Ten
Company Strategy
Section Ⅰ Speaking and Listening Activities
Section Ⅱ Better Your Reading
Section Ⅲ Develop Your Skills & Practise
Section Ⅳ Supplementary Reading
Section Ⅴ Frequently Used Special Terms
Section Ⅵ Hot Topic
Section Ⅶ Corporate Culture
