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定 价:¥23.90

作 者: 赵雪爱 编
出版社: 外语教学与研究出版社
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787560097084 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 142 字数:  






Unit 1 College culture
Passage 1 Meeting and Making Friends on Campus
Passage 2 Best Jobs for College Students
Passage 3 Fraternities and Sororities: the Secret History of Greek Societies
Passage 4 College See Rise in Mental Health Issues
Unit 2 Mixed feelings
Passage 1 The Home-school Connection
Passage 2 The Gap Generation
Passage 3 Helping Children with Grief
Passage 4 Really Smile, It Is Good for Health and Business
Unit 3 Crime watch
Passage 1 Baseball and America's Crime Problem
Passage 2 How to Protect Your Online Identity
Passage 3 Campus Crime Figures Don't Tell the Whole Story
Passage 4 Has Online Piracy Reached a Tipping Point?
Unit 4 News 24/7
Passage 1 Influence of the Media on Young People
Passage 2 Social Media Is Changing Our Daily Lives
Passage 3 Tips for Talking with Kids About the News
Passage 4 Why Do People Still Read Newspapers?
Unit 5 The world at war
Passage 1 Why Nations Go to War
Passage 2 US and Europe Near Agreement on Private Data
Passage 3 Behind the War
Passage 4 Honour Bound
Unit 6 Sporting life
Passage 1 Modern Olympic Symbols and Traditions
Passage 2 The Incredible Benefits of Regular Exercise
Passage 3 How to Be a Supportive Parent of a Sports Kid
Passage 4 High-tech Swimsuits
Unit 7 Animal planet
Passage 1 Keeping Pets Safe in Hot Weather
Passage 2 The Benefits of Automatic Pet Feeders and Waterers
Passage 3 The Amazing Psychic World of Animals
Passage 4 Keeping Your Dog Occupied When You're Not Home
Unit 8 Time off
Passage 1 Americans Work Less and Have More Leisure Time than Ever Before
Passage 2 Five New Hobbies for the Creative Persori
Passage 3 How to Fill Leisure Time Intelligently
Passage 4 Leisure Activities in Ancient Egypt
Unit 9 Have you got what it takes?
Passage 1 What to Do After Graduation
Passage 2 15 Ways to Annoy Your Job Interviewer
Passage 3 Bringing the College Inside
Passage 4 Graduating College Students Considering Peace Corps
Unit 10 Science fact or science fiction?
Passage 1 Music from the Stars
Passage 2 The Science of Laughter
Passage 3 Sleep Success: How to Make ZZZs = Memory
Passage 4 Morning Person or Late Riser?
Answer Key
