Chapter 1 Lexicology and Words? 1.1 Introduction 1.2 What Is Lexicology? 1.2.1 Morphology and Semantics 1.2.2 Etymology and Lexicography 1.3 What Is a Word? 1.3.1 Difficulties in the Definition of the Word 1.3.2 Major Features of Words 1.4 Words in Linguistic Analysis 1.5 Word Classes 1.6 Lexical and Grammatical Words 1.7 Words and Semantic Fields ExercisesChapter 2 Some Basic Concepts and Word Meanings 2.1 Introduction 2.2 Morpheme, Lexeme and Morph 2.2.1 Morpheme 2.2.2 Lexeme 2.2.3 Morph 2.2.4 Types of Morphemes 2.3 Word Meanings 2.3.1 Denotation and Reference 2.3.2 Denotation and See 2.4 Seven types of Meaning 2.4.1 Conceptual Meaning 2.4.2 Connotative Meaning 2.4.3 Social and Affective Meanings 2.4.4 Reflected and Collocative Meanings 2.4.5 Thematic Meaning 2.5 Root and Stem 2.6 Polysemy 2.7 Homonymy ExercisesChapter 3 The Origi of English Words 3.1 Introduction 3.2 The Development of English 3.3 The Historical Periods of English 3.3.1 Old English Period (450-1066) 3.3.2 The Middle English Period (1066-1500) 3.3.3 Early Modern English Period (1500-1800) 3.3.4 The Modern English Period (1800-present) 3.4 American English 3.5 Native English Vocabulary 3.6 Major Influences on English 3.6.1 The Scandinavian Influence 3.6.2 The Norman Conquest 3.6.3 The Latin Influence 3.7 Borrowings in English 3.7.1 Latin words in English 3.7.2 Greek and French Loanwords 3.7.3 German, Dutch and Italian Loanwords 3.7.4 Loanwords from the East 3.7.5 Loanwords from Other Sources 3.8 The Size of English Vocabulary 3.9 Creation of New English Words 3.9.1 Root Creation 3.9.2 Onomatopoeic words and Ejaculatio 3.9.3 Word formation ExercisesChapter 4 Word Formation in English 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Inflection and Derivation 4.2.1 Definition of Inflection 4.2.2 Functio of Inflection 4.2.3 Derivational Affix 4.2.4 Functio of Derivatio 4.2.5 Types of Derivational Affix 4.3 Compounding 4.3.1 Definition of Compounding 4.3.2 Characteristics of Compounds 4.3.3 Common Patter of compounds 4.4 Other Word-formation Processes 4.4.1 Conveion 4.4.2 Blending 4.4.3 Shortenings 4.5 Backformation 4.6 Words from Proper Names and Metanalysis 4.6.I Words from Proper Names 4.6.2 Metanalysis ExercisesChapter 5 See Relatio 5.1 Introduction 5.2 Characteristics of See Relatio 5.3 Synonymy 5.3.1 Two Types of Synonymy 5.3.2 Difference Among Synonyms 5.4 Antonymy 5.4.1 Gradable Antonyms 5.4.2 Complementary Antonyms 5.4.3 Convee antonyms 5.5 Hyponymy 5.6 Meronymy 5.7 Collocation 5.7.1 Free and Fixed Combinatio 5.7.2 Grammatical Collocatio 5.7.3 Lexical Collocatio 5.7.4 Other Features of Collocation 5.8 Metaphorical Exteion ExercisesChapter 6 Idioms,Multiword Ve and Proverbs 6.1 Introduction 6.2 Idioms 6.2.1 Classification of Idioms 6.2.2 Different Aspects of Idioms 6.3 Multiword verbs 6.4 Proverbs ExercisesChapter 7 English Dictionaries 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Organization of the Entry 7.2.1 Headword 7.2.2 Prommciadon 7.2.3 Grammatical Information 7.2.4 Etymology 7.2.5 Definition 7.2.6 Examples 7.2.7 Related Forms and Usage Labels 7.2.8 Illustratio 7.2.9 Supplementary Matter 7.3 Corpora 7.4 Dictionary Shelf-life 7.5 Types of Dictionaries 7.5.1 General and Specialized Dictionaries 7.5.2 Monolingual and Bilingual dictionaries 7.5.3 Electronic and Print Dictionaries 7.5.4 Unabridged Dictionaries 7.5.5 Learner's Dictionaries and Children's Dictionaries 7.5.6 Thesaurus 7.6 A Review of Some Dictionaries 7.6.1 The Oxford English Dictionary 7.6.2 Webster's Third New International Dictionary of theEnglish Language 7.6.3 The Chambe Dictionary 7.6.4 Random House Webster's College Dictionary 7.6.5 Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary 7.6.6 Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English 7.6.7 Colli COBUILD English Dictionary 7.6.8 Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced Learne 7.6.9 A New English-Chinese Dictionary and the English-ChineseDictionary ExercisesChapter 8 Words in Context 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Dialect 8.3 Register and Style 8.4 Taboo Words and Euphemisms 8.4.1 Taboo Words 8.4.2 Euphemisms 8.4.3 Classification of Euphemisms 8.4.4 The Use of Euphemisms 8.5 Slang 8.6 Jargon 8.7 Meaning Shifts 8.7.1 Broadening 8.7.2 Narrowing 8.7.3 Amelioration and Pejoration ExercisesChapter 9 English Words and Cognition 9.1 Introduction 9.2 The Mental Lexicon 9.3 Metaphor 9.3.1 Cognitive Interpretation of Metaphor 9.3.2 Cognitive Modeling of Metaphor 9.4 Spatial Terms and Spatial Relatiohips 9.4.1 The Flexibility of Spatial Terms 9.4.2 Cognitive Mappings of Spatial Terms 9.5 Prototype and Radial Categories 9.5.1 Radiality and the Meaning of the Suffix-able 9.5.2 Radiality in Attributes ExercisesReferences