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定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 虞建华 编著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 普通高等教育十一五国家级规划教材
标 签: 外国语言文学


ISBN: 9787040303575 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 183 字数:  






Part 0ne
 Unit One Langston Hughes:Early Autunm
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:The Short Story
    Text for Reading
    Interpretation and Discussion
 Unit Two  (1)I.B.Sing:The Washwoman
    (2)Frank Sargeson:A Piece of Yellow Soap
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:TheAuthor,the Narratorandthe Re
    Text for Reading(1)
    Text for Reading(2)
    Interpretationand Discussion
 Unit Three  Richard Seizer:The Discus Thrower
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:The Setting and theTheme
    Text for Reading
    Interpretation and Discussion
 Unit Four  Someet Maugham:Mr.Know-All
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:Character andCharacterization
    Text for Reading
    Interpretation and Discussion
 Unit Five  Roald Dahl:The Taste
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:The Story and the Plot
    Text for Reading
    Interpretation and Discussion
 Unit Six  Mary Gavell:The Swing
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:Flashback andForeshadowing
    Text for Reading
    Interpretation and Discussion
 Unit Seven  James Jouce:Araby
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:蚋Tone and irony
    Text for Reading
    Interpretation and Discussion
 Unit Eight  Frank Stockton:The Laby,or the Tiger?
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:Type of Short Story:RomanticFiction
    Interpretation and Discussion
 Unit Nine  Frank O'Connor:Guests of the Nation
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:Type ofShort Story:RealisticFiction
    Text forReading
    Interpretation and Discussion
 Unit Ten  Jck London:The Law of Life
    Key Words
    Elements of,Fiction:Type ofShortStory:Naturalistic Fiction
    Text for Reading
    Interpretation and Disussion
 Unit Eleven James Thurber:The Secret Life of Walter Mityy
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:Type ofShort Story:ModernistFiction
    Text for Reading
    Interpretation and Discussion
 Unit Twelve  Donald Barthelme:The Glass Mountain
    Key Words
    Elements of Fiction:Type of ShortStory:Postmodernist Fiction
    Text for Reading
    Interpretation and Discussion
Part Two Additional Stories for Reading and Discussion
 Additional Reading one  Kate Chopin:The Story of anHour
    Meet the Author
    Text for Reading
    Discussion Questio
 Additional Reading Two  Rabia Ozkaya:The Present
    Meet the Author
    Text for Reading
    Discussion Questio
 Additional Reading Three  Katherine Mafield:Miss Brill
    Meet the Author
    Text for Reading
    Discussion Questio
 Additional Reading Four  Gary Gildner:Sleepy Time Gal
    Meet the Author
    Text for Reading
    Discussion Questio
 Additional Reading Five  Richard Jefferies:TheAcorn-Gatherer
    Meet the Author
    Text for Reading
    Discussion Questio
 Additional Reading Six Sherwood Andeon:The Egg
    Meet the Author
    Text for Reading
    Discussion Questio
 Additional Reading Seven  John Collier:The Chaser
    Meet the Author
    Text for Reading
    Discussion Questio
 Additional Reading Eight  O.Henry:After Twenty Yea
    Meet the Author
    Text for Reading
    Discussion Questio
