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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语大学体验英语学习系统同步练习



定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 余渭深 著
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 外国语言文学


ISBN: 9787040212730 出版时间: 2007-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 309 字数:  


  《大学体验英语学习系统同步练习》每个单元由Before going online和Off-line两部分组成,Before going online重点帮助学生学习相关文化背景知识,扩展和充实相关词汇、表达方法和常用句型,并指导学生进行相应的交际练习;Off-line部分提供了巩固和拓展练习。




Unit 1 Greeting
Unit 2 Making Introductions
Unit 3 Personal Information
Unit 4 Meeting Guests
Unit 5 Saying Goodbye
Unit 6 Home and Family
Unit 7 Sports and Entertainment
Unit 8 Hobbies and Interests
Unit 9 Making Phone Calls
Unit 10 Traveling
Unit 11 At the Hotel
Unit 12 Shopping
Unit 13 Food and Drink
Unit 14 At the Post Office
Unit 15 At the Bank
Unit 16 Seeing a Doctor
Unit 1 Making Invitations
Unit 2 Thanks and Apologies
Unit 3 Making Appointments
Unit 4 Requests and Responses
Unit 5 Likes and Dislikes
Unit 6 Advice and Suggestions
Unit 7 Talking About WeatherUnit 8 Transp0Ttation
Unit 9 Asking the Way
Unit 10 Telling the Time and the Date
Unit 11 Asking for Help
Unit 12 Talking About Language
Unit 13 Congratulations and Best Wishes
Unit 14 Asking for Permission
Unit 15 Agreement and Disagreement
Unit 16 Blame and Complaint
Levde 2
Unit 1 Applying for a Visa
Unit 2 Traveling by Air
Unit 3 At the Customs
Unit 4 Renting a House
Unit 5 Making Phone Calls
Unit 6 At the Post Office
Unit 7 At the Bank
Unit 8 Eating at Someone’S Home
Unit 9 Eating Out
Unit 10 nansportation
Unit 11 Meeting and Greeting
Unit 12 Seeing the Doctor
Unit 13 Shopping
Unit 14 Studying and Finding a Part-Time Job
Unit 15 Departure
