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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语表达英语综合教程1



定 价:¥25.00

作 者: 王立非,郑玉琪 主编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 高等院校英语专业精品系列教材
标 签: 外国语言文学


ISBN: 9787040241419 出版时间: 2008-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 187 字数:  


  《表达英语综合教程》是与《表达英语综合教程》1册相配套的教师用书,主要供教师备课和授课时参考使用。《表达英语综合教程》提供每单元Text A中的以读促思(Read to Think)、以读促说(Read to Speak)、以读促写(Read to Write)、以读促译(Read to Translate)、语言研习(Language Studies)五个部分的答案和Text B中的细读(Reading for Details)、略读(Reading for Main Ideas)两个部分的答案。《表达英语综合教程》供高等院校英语专业本科1年级基础阶段使用。




Unit 1 Get to Know English-speaking Countries
Text A USA
Text B England
Unit 2 Teachers Propose, Students Dispose?
Text A A Classroom Full of Flowers
Text B Schoolwork: The Students Job
Unit 3 Keep a Healthy Body
Text A How to Lose Weight —— And Whether You Should
Text B Dine Out Without Clogging Your Arteries
Unit 4 Keep a Healthy Mind
Text A Grief
Text B The Power of Forgiving
Unit 5 The Internet and Our Life
Text A One Internet, Two Nations
Text B Digital Domain: Struggling to Evade the E-mail Tsunami
Unit 6 Get Yourself Connected
Text A A False Wikipedia "Biography"
Text B Guidelines for Using a Cellphone Abroad
Review Test I
Unit 7 Like Father, Like Son
Text A Father Forgets
Text B Father: Sons Role Model
Unit 8 Friendship Counts Immensely
Text A An Incredible Torch Run
Text B Personal Health
Unit 9 Do Men Lead and Women Follow?
Text A A Woman Can Learn Anything a Man Can
Text B The Two of Us
Unit 10 Do Patients Trust Doctors?
Text A From a Web-Savvy Patient to a "Cyberchondriac"
Text B Patient Tells, Doctor Reads, Writer Shares
Unit 11 Man and Nature
Text A Mirages
Text B Rainbow
Unit 12 Konw Your Pets,Konw Youself
Text A The Dog:A Helper or a Nuisance?
Text B The Cat:An Unintelligent Animal?
