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定 价:¥37.00

作 者: 施发敏 主编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
标 签: 外国语言文学


ISBN: 9787040295900 出版时间: 2010-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大16开 页数: 267 字数:  






UNIT 1 Surviving College
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ Pre-listening Strategy
Introduction to Pre-listening Strategy
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅵ Summary
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 2 Studying Abroad
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ Pre-listening Strategy—— Being Aware of Assimilation
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ True or False
Part Ⅵ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 3 Foreign Customs
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ Pre-listening Strategy—— Bridging Culture Gap
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Summary
Part Ⅵ True or False
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 4 Food and Diet
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ Pre-listening Strategy——Establishing the Mood or Attitude of the Speaker
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Summary
Part Ⅵ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 5 Health
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ Pre-listening Strategy
Reading Through the Given Questions
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅵ True or False
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 6 Interpersonal Relationships
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Introduction to While-listening Strategies
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Summary
Part Ⅴ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅵ True or False
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 7 Holidays
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Paraphrasing in Listening
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅵ Summary
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 8 Public Speaking
Part ⅠCulture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Listening for Sense Groups
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅴ True or False
Part Ⅵ Listen and Choose
UNIT 9 Entertainment
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Focusing on the Main Idea
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅵ True or False
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 10 Art and Sport
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Guessing Meaning from the Context
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ True or False
Part Ⅵ Summary
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 11 Enjoying Family Life
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Listening for Numbers and Calculation
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Sentence Order Rearrangement
Part Ⅵ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 12 Insurance
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy—— Determining the Speaker's Identity
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Summary
Part Ⅵ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 13 Finance
Part l Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Making Use of Discourse Markers
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and FiII in
Part Ⅴ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅵ True or False
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 14 Man and Nature
Part I Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Sharpening Ears for Important Details
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Summary
Part Ⅵ True or False
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT 15 Social Problems
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Drawing Inferences While Listenin
Part Ⅲ Understanding ConversatiOns
Part lV Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ True or False
Part Ⅵ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
UNIT l6 Energy Cdsis
Part Ⅰ Culture Link
Part Ⅱ While-listening Strategy——Listening to Lectures
Part Ⅲ Understanding Conversations
Part Ⅳ Listen and Choose
Part Ⅴ Short Answer Questions
Part Ⅵ True or False
Part Ⅶ Compound Dictation
Part Ⅷ Leisure Activities
