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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语新编商务英语报刊文选(第2版)



定 价:¥20.00

作 者: 师英,董志善 编著
出版社: 南开大学出版社
丛编项: 南开商务英语系列教材
标 签: 经济学


ISBN: 9787310035700 出版时间: 2010-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 大32开 页数: 372 字数:  






Part One Global and National Economic Situation
Unit One
Text A Another Bush; Another Jobless Recovery
Text B TheHard Road Ahead
Unit Two
Text A Finally, Some Good News
Texr B Steaming
Unit Three
Text A Too Much Money: Inflation Goes Global
Text B The New "New Economy"
Unit Four
Text A Indias Economy Hits the Wall
Text B A Yawning Trade Gap Could Swallow the Recovery
Unit Five
Text A Can Europes Recovery Last?
Text B Climb on, Honey: This Could Be Wild
Part Two World Trade
Unit One
Text A The Doha Squabble
Text B Drops on Parched Soil
Unit Two
Text A China and Europe
Text B The Folly of Slapping Quotas on China
Unit Three
Text A 2005s Global Trade Hot Spots
Text B Sparks Fly over Steel
Unit Four
Text A Slouching toward a Trade War?
Text B The GM Gamble
Unit Five
TextA Two Cheers for Free Trade
Text B Engaging the U.S. with Trade
Part Three Finance
Unit One
Text A Time to Go Up
Text B The Joy of Inflation
Unit Two
Text A Looking Up
Text B Still in Gear
Unit Tree
Text A Searching for Plan B
Text B Drowning in Dollars
Unit Four
Text A Oceans Apart
Text B Super-euro
Part Four Management
Unit One
Text A Make Way for Madame Director
Text B Earnings Guidance: Silence Is Golden
Unit Two
Text A Finally, Coke Gets it Right
Text B The Live Wire in Indian High Tech
Unit Three
Text A Microsoft without Gates
Text B Gates without Microsoft
Unit Four
Text A Audi Volvo, Acura ... Chrysler?
Text B Volkswagen Needs a Jump
