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定 价:¥34.00

作 者: 翁凤翔 主编
出版社: 对外经济贸易大学出版社
丛编项: 商务专业英语系列教材
标 签: 金融与贸易


ISBN: 9787811346640 出版时间: 2010-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 284 字数:  






Unit 1 General View about International Shipping Industry
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Concept of International Shipping
Text 2 Operating Modes of International Shipping
Part 2 Listening
International Shipping and International Trade
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 2 Transportation
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Transportation in Logistics
Text 2 International Air Transport
Part 2 Listening
International Road Transport and Rail Transport
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 3 Liner Shipping Business
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Procedures of Liner Shipping
Text 2 Liner Conference
Part 2 Listening
Documentation of Liner Shipping Business
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 4 Chartering
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Types of Chartering
Text 2 Chartering Procedures
Part 2 Listening
Laytime, Demurrage and Dispatch Money
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 5 Charter Party
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Nature, Functions and Types of Charter Party
Text 2 Essential Clauses of Charter Party
Part 2 Listening
\GENCON\ Charter
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 6 Bill of Lading
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Concept and Functions of Bill of Lading
Text 2 Classifications of Bill of Lading
Part 2 Listening
International Conventions Governing Bill of Lading
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 7 Container Transport
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 The Signification of Container Transport
Text 2 Types of Containers
Part 2 Listening
The Course of Business in Container Transport
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 8 Mniti-modalism
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Multi-modalism
Text 2 Intermodal Transportation Advantages
Part 2 Listening
Development of Intermodal Transportation
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 9 Port Charges
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Tonnage Dues
Text 2 Port Charges Proper
Part 2 Listening
Comparison of Port Tariffs among Ports
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 10 Freight
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Types of Freight
Text 2 Freight of Liner Shipping Business
Part 2 Listening
Freight of Chartering Shipping Business
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 11 International Ocean Shipping Agency
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 The Legal Significance of Ocean Shipping Agency
Text 2 Agency of Vessels
Part 2 Listening
Agency of Cargo Transport by Sea
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 12 General Average and Particular Average
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 General Average
Text 2 Partial Losses
Part 2 Listening
General Average Sacrifice
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 13 Handling of Accidents of Goods Transported by Sea
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Reasons for the Accidents
Text 2 How to Handle the Accidents
Part 2 Listening
Claims and Settlement
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 14 Insurance
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 Hull Insurance Clauses
Text 2 Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses
Part 2 Listening
Ocean Marine Cargo Clauses
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 15 UN Convention on the Contracts of International Carriage of Goods Wholly or Partly by Sea
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 The Rotterdam Rules
Text 2 General Provisions
Part 2 Listening
Electronic Transport Records
Part 3 Exercises
Unit 16 The Miscellaneous
Part 1 Reading
Text 1 International Maritime Organization (IMO)
Text 2 Incoterms
Part 2 Listening
The Role of Freight Forwarder
Part 3 Exercises
