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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语土木工程应用英语



定 价:¥19.00

作 者: 梁华蓉 主编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 全国行业英语系列统编教材
标 签: 土建类


ISBN: 9787040263930 出版时间: 2009-04-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 188 字数:  






Unit 1  Civil Engineering
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  Civil Engineering
     Passage 2  Modern Road
Unit 2 Cotruction Materials
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  Cotruction Materials—Steeland Cement
     Passage 2  Placing Concrete
Unit 3 Reinforced Concrete
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  Major Materialsof-Reinforced Concrete
     Passage 2  Prestressed Concrete
Unit 4 Alignment Design
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  Alignment Design
     Passage 2  Pavement Design
Unit 5 Highway Cotruction
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  Highway Subgrade
     Passage 2  Road Cotruction
Unit 6 Bridge (1)
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  Bridges Introduction
     Passage 2  How do Cable-stayedsWork?
Unit 7 Bridge (2)
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  Bridge Engineering
     Passage 2  Pie and Abutments
Unit 8 Project Management
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  What is ProjectManagement?
     Passage 2  Civil EngineeringContracts
Unit 9 Engineering Design
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  Bridge Design
     Passage 2  Philosophy of StructuralDesign
Unit 10 Surveying
  Section Ⅰ  Talking Face to Face
  Section Ⅱ  Maintaining a Sharp Eye
     Passage 1  Surveying
     Passage 2  Location Surveys in RuralAreas
Appendix Ⅰ  New Words and Expressio
Appendix Ⅱ  桥涵术语
Appendix Ⅲ  路桥工程专业术语
