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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅考试研究生入学考试考研英语阅读题源Ⅲ:科学、评论杂志、美国新闻与世界报道分册



定 价:¥27.80

作 者: 江涛,肖敏 主编
出版社: 石油工业出版社
标 签: 考研英语


ISBN: 9787502188498 出版时间: 2012-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 261 字数:  




  江涛 原北外青年教师,曾任北京戴尔国际英语学校副校长(现被美国培生集团收购)主管留学培训业务。2001年后受多家培训机构之邀于全国范围内教授雅思,赴百多所知名高校演讲千余场。2003年推出《80天攻克雅思》丛书,名列国内各大销售榜榜首,远销台湾及东南亚地区,2004年和同乡兄长彭铁城(现新航道副总裁)创办华盛顿英语学校。2005年与成卓女士创办卓成教育,2007年受聘主持中央人民广播电台经济之声早间英语节目至今。2008年起制作并主持“英语大赢家”动画&真人电视栏目,在多家电视台播出。至今出版各类英语教辅畅销类书籍百余册,千万余字,为当当网、亚马逊卓越网畅销书作者。


Social Class 社会类
Passage One The Hazard of Moral Hazard
Passage Two Merged Cultures to Empower Women
Passage Three Even Kids on Sports Teams Don't Get EnoughExercise
Passage Four Happy People Save More Money for Retirement
Passage Five Marriage and Middle America
Passage Six Support May Help Curb Suicide Among Gay Youths
Passage Seven Light Up 'Earth Hour'
Passage Eight The Birth of Environmental Eugenics?
Passage Nine Looking Through the Paint
Passage Ten No Game for Old Men
Culture and Education 文教类
Passage One The Amateur as Critic [2010年真题Part A, Text 1]
Passage Two Selling Classical Music [2011年真题Part A, Text 1]
Passage Three Chinese, Japanese Language Education Grows
Passage Four T.S. Eliot and the Demise of the LiteraryCulture
Passage Five Four Tips to Learn a Foreign Language in College
Passage Six The Crafty Art of Alan Ayckboum
Passage Seven Eugenics and Class in Brit Schools
Passage Eight Helping America's Students
Passage Nine The Global Business School Gap
Passage Ten The Nonprofit Approach to Online Education
Economy 经济类
Passage One Indian Government Hopes Bill Will StimulateInnovation
Passage Two Brighter Job Outlook for Class of 2011
Passage Three What 3.2 Percent GDP Growth Says About OurContradictory Economy
Passage Four Why Seniors Should Embrace Higher Oil Prices
Passage Five Painful Changes in the Publishing Industry
Passage Six The Smaller the Better: Investing in Micro-Caps
Passage Seven Why Copper Is the Metal to Watch
Passage Eight Why You May BeAble to Predict the Market
Passage Nine Should You,Worry About Stagflation?
Passage Ten Why Jobs Are Recovering But Pay Isn't
Science and Technology 科技类
Passage One Another Side to the Climate-Cloud Conundrum FinallyRevealed
Passage Two Dry Ice, Wetter Mars
Passage Three Lifebelt for UK Science
Passage Four Batteries Power Truck Once Fueled by Gas
Passage Five Nurturing Young Scientists
Passage Six Stepping Back; Moving Forward
Passage Seven The Best Next Space Missions
Passage Eight Using Heat to Trace Groundwater Pollution
Passage Nine Celebrating the Culture of Science
Passage Ten Fukushima Radiation Creates Unique Test of MarineLife's Hardiness
Health 健康类
Passage One Are Sports Drinks Healthier Than Soda? Teens ThinkSo
Passage Two For Good Health, Watch Your Waist Size, Not Just YourWeight
Passage Three Optimism Protects Teens From Depression
Passage Four Orthorexia: An Unhealthy Obsession with HealthyEating
Passage Five The Challenge of Cancer
Passage Six Many Obese Moms and Kids Underestimate TheirWeight
Passage Seven Kids' Birth Month Seems to Be Linked to CeliacDisease
Passage Eight Five Ways to End Emotional Overeating
Passage Nine What Health Reform Means for You
Passage Ten New Guidelines Redefine Alzheimer's
