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定 价:¥35.00

作 者: (美)德梅特尔(Demeter, S.E.)编著
出版社: 西安交通大学出版社
丛编项: 新东方大愚英语学习丛书
标 签: 其它英语考试


ISBN: 9787560543222 出版时间: 2012-05-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 244 字数:  






Chapter  1  Pre-Columbian/Native AmericanHistory  1
Questions 1–15
Chapter  2   Early Exploration and Spanish andFrench in the Colonies of the New World  7
Questions 16–30
Chapter  3  Early English Colonies  11
Questions 31–65
Chapter  4  The Era of Discontent  21
Questions 66–100
Chapter  5  The Constitution and Early U.S.Government  29
Questions 101–143
Chapter  6  The Era of Good Feelings to the Age ofJackson  39
Questions 144–181
Chapter  7  Antebellum Reform Movements  47
Questions 182–201
Chapter  8   Antebellum Cultural Movements andManifest Destiny  53
Questions 202–235
Chapter  9  The Mid-19th Century and Causes of the CivilWar  61
Questions 236–260
Chapter 10  The Civil War  67
Questions 261–286
Chapter 11  Post Civil War and Reconstruction  73
Questions 287–311
Chapter 12  The Gilded Age and the American West 79
Questions 312–346
Chapter 13  U.S. Imperialism and the ProgressiveMovement  87
Questions 347–386
Chapter 14  The First World War and the Roaring Twenties 97
Questions 387–414
Chapter 15  The Great Depression and the Second WorldWar  105
Questions 415–444
Chapter 16  The Cold War and Postwar America  113
Questions 445–464
Chapter 17  Civil Rights, the 1960s, and Vietnam 119
Questions 465–480
Chapter 18  End of the Cold War, the 1970s to thePresent  123
Questions 481–500
Answers  129
Bibliography  231
