Family and Early Life
The People of Hui-chou
My Family-the Hu Clan of Shang-chuang, Chi-hsi
My Father
Student Days in the United States (1910-1917)
Meeting People of Different Faiths-My Early Student Life at Cornell University
My lnterest in American Politics
From Agriculture to Philosophy
I Became a Trained Public Speaker
My Training in Parliamentary Procedure
Cosmopolitanism,Pacifism and Internationalism-the Political Faith of a Young Student
Columbia University (1915-1917)
John Dewey and Pragmatism
The Pragmatic Theory of Thinking
Development of Methodology
Thinking of a Language Reform in China
Some Accidents that Led to a Revolution
A Lonely Literary Experimental Work and a Revolutionary Manifesto
Working for a Chinese Renaissance
The Outbreak of a Literary Revolution and Its Achievement
Some Characteristics of the Literary Revolution
The Chinese Renaissance and Its Four-fold Meaning
A Political lnterruption: "The May 4th Movement"
"Science" and "Democracy" Defined
"Concrete Problems v. Abstract Isms":My First Clash with the Marxists
A Systematic Study of China's Cultural Heiitage
"A History of Chinese Philosophy" and Its Subsequent Researches Particularly on Ch'an Buddhism
Historical Research in the Popular Novels (1922-1933)
Some Concluding Remarks on the Progress and Setbacks of the Chinese Renaissance Movement