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当前位置: 首页出版图书文学艺术文学纪实文学青海玉树地震专集(英文)



定 价:¥99.00

作 者: 张进,尼尔森,付敬 编
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787508518503 出版时间: 2010-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 233 字数:  


  The Yushu earthquake left thousands of families mourn-ing their immense losses, but it also left hope and humanity.The book you are holding contains invaluable stories ofhuman courage recorded by ten China Daily journalistsfrom the frontlines of the Yushu relief efforts, in addition tothe journalist's own reflections on human nature in the faceof adversity. It is bound to inspire people far and wide withthe Yushu people's stories.Several challenges to Yushu's continuing recovery andreconstruction have already been foreseen. Nevertheless, Itruly believe that Yushu people will stand firm on the de-bris left by the earthquake. With all their strength anddetermination, they will rebuild better lives. This book doesa great service in sharing their story.




Main contributors
Hard battle
Qinghai quake death toll rises to 617
Terrain, logistics impede rescue
Fear of plague in quake-hit Qinghai
Medical efforts are in full swing
Quake victims 'psychologically very weak'
Altitude sickness forces 200 rescuers to leave
Lifeline's artery to Yushu unclogged
Weather poses fresh misery over quake-hit region
Beware of fraud, officials warn
Fresh snow hampers quake relief work
Quake survivors still shaken by memories
Reconstruction faces challenge
Fight to prevent plague outbreak
Five held for quake rumors
Quake shakes up fungus price
Helping hands
Hong Kong volunteer dies while trying to save others
Quake relief moves into high gear
Rescuers race against time
Donations pouring in to Yushu
Teachers dig by hand to pull students from ruins of school
Taiwan, HK, Macao offer aid
Taiwan medical team arrives in quake regiol
Hu lends comforting shoulder to survivors
Nothing satisfies like taste of home
Star power gathers to pull in donations
Foreign friends offer relief to Yushu victims
Helping out, each in his own way
Prayers light way out of suffering
Xining joins silent memorial
No shows, no games as whole nation grieves
Yushu orphans arrive in capital for counseling
Nationwide mourning held for quake dead
Monks offer crucial help to Yushu
Tsamba sold out amid donation fervor
Cultural, historic treasures rescued from monastery
Language no barrier for volunteers
Rescue leader dedicated to his job
Int'l community continues to send condolences over quake
Offering milk of human kindness
Young quake victims receive treatment in Sichuan
Gratitude with a side of rice
Helping the helpers
Tibetan monks relive rescue
Small body, big heart
Food delivered to quake zone for Tibetan mastiffs
