Western China'sNature Resemes:An EcologicalGuide describes 46 forest Darks and nature reserves 111 the western region of China.Here,the natural ecosystems 0t different types are well protected.making the parks and reserves highly valuable for environmental protection and improvement,scientific research,educanon,recreauon and tourism.The book provides basic information on each forest park and reserve,including the habits of the wild anireals and plants.The book contains some 20 photographs,and iS sure to stir t11C interest of nature lovers,conservauomsts,scientists,teachers and students of the natural sciences, andtourists.China's west is a vast territory,encompassing six provinces,five autonomous regaons and one municipality.Its nature reserves and forest parks are remarkable for their varied topography,natural wonders,picturesque landscapes and places 0f historic interest,including the Himalaya,Kunlun and Tianshan mountain ranges,lush primeval forests,the Yellow,1insha and Lancang rivers,and the Hanas,Bitta and Dalai lakes.In addition,western China boasts the vast prairies of Inner Mongolia,Yunnan and Tibet,the Nujiang Canyon,glaciers and deserts.1 he west of China IS a tremendous natural repository which is home to various types of natural ecosystems.It iS a gene pool with a huge diversity of animal and plant species.A great number of the world's rare.precious and endangered animals and plants,such as the giant panda,riger,elephant,wild yak, wild ass,rhesus monkey,Guizhou golden monkey,red-crowned crane.green peacock,silver fir,dove tree and many others thrive in the region.Many indeed are umque tO China,and tO preserve and foster thcm,and for the purposes of scientific research,education and recreation,hundreds of nature reserves and forest parks have been established in the west of China in the past few decades. most of which are little-known tO the people of t}le rest of the world.But as nowadays people throughout the world are becoming more interested in ecological tours,I hope this book will encourage people both at home and abroad to make ecological tOurS of these parks and reserves.