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定 价:¥168.00

作 者: 王宜峨 著 颜钟钴 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 宗教 英语读物 外语学习 票务


ISBN: 9787508518398 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20开 页数: 172 字数:  


  What is Daoist art? This is a question open for different interpretations. The Daoistarts as we define in this book refer to the artistic works with evangelic motivation and theartistic works inspired by Daoist thoughts and imaginations.The arts are a form of social thought and a reflection of social reality. As differentideas are represented in the arts, its expressions are rich and colorful. And its expressionstake many forms, such as statues, paintings and dramas. Religion and arts have much incommon. Like arts, religion is a reflection of social thought. Religion and arts borrowfrom each other and penetrate into each other. In the development of arts and religion,their mutual influence can be easily discerned.




Chapter One: The Palaces for Immortals - Architectural Arts of Daoist Buildings
12 Section One: The Origins and Functions of Daoist Buildings
16 Section Two: Architectural Thoughts behind Daoist Buildings
24 Section Three: The Structure and Specifications of Daoist Buildings
42 Section Four: Daoist Buildings and Gardens
48 Section Five: Famous Daoist Temples in Existence Today
Chapter Two: The Party of Immortals - Colorful Daoist Statues
58 Section One: The Origin of Daoist Statues and Early Daoist Statues
62 Section Two: The Daoist Statues in the Sui and Tang Dynasties
66 Section Three: The Daoist Statues from the Song Dynasty to the Jin Dynasty
72 Section Four: The Daoist Statues in the Ming and 0ing Dynasties
Chapter Three: The Procession of the Immortals Paying Homage to the One - Splendid Daoist Wall Paintings and Water-land Service Paintings
84 Section One: Daoist Wall Paintings
102 Section Two: Daoist Water-land Service Paintings
Chapter Four: The Dao Follows What is Naturally So - Remarkable Literati Paintings with Daoist Motifs and the Paintings by Daoists
108 Section One: The Style of Ancient Paintings from the Oin Dynasty to the Tang Dynasty
114 Section Two: The Style of Eremitism in the Song Dynasty
122 Section Three: The Style of Mysticism in the Jin and Yuan Dynasties
128 Section Four: The Style under Absolutism in the Ming and Qing Dynasties
Chapter Five: Immortals' Talent Show - The Tune of Heaven - Daoist Music
138 Section One: The Origin of Daoist Music and Its Development
148 Section Two: Features of Daoist Music
154 Section Three: Daoist Drama
Chapter Six: Daoist Literature
162 Section One: Daoist Poetry
164 Section Two: Daoist Hagiographies and Fictions
168 Section Three: Daoist Prose Writings
172  Concluding Remarks
