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定 价:¥168.00

作 者: 苏喜乐 著 文革,赵诚艺 译
出版社: 五洲传播出版社
标 签: 宗教艺术 宗教 英语读物 外语学习


ISBN: 9787508519913 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 20开 页数: 170 字数:  


  In the present-day China,Christmas celebrations by the Chinese churches in the citiesand in the countryside attract both Christians and non-Christians.More and more Chineseyoung people become interested in Christianity.It is in part because they want to meettheir spiritual needs and find ways to relieve their stress and anxieties in the hectic sociallife.Besides,when China becomes more and more open to the world,young peoplewould like to celebrate such fashionable non-Chinese holidays as Christmas,to enjoy thelively worship style of the church,and to appreciate the aesthetic beauty of Christian artsat certain Christian festivals that touch their hearts. Christianity did not originate in China and its broken developments in Chinese historymade most Chinese people unacquainted with its nature and doctrines.Christian arts,however,do impress many people who try to understand the Christian religion.Churchbuildings anywhere with symbolic religious meanings show their uniqueness and hencebecome beautiful landscapes in the Chinese cities and villages.The melodic hymns alsohave a strong appeal tomany people who try to come into church although they may notintend to become Christians.




Chapter One:Christian Arts in China
The Almost Ignored Beauty:Early Christian Arts in China
Early Attempt of Inculturation:Modern Christian Arts in China
The More Blossoming Garden:Contemporary Christian Arts in Chin~
Chapter Two:Christian Music in China
The Praising and Singing Afore Time:The Christian Music in the Nestorian Period
Expecting the Oriental Tune:Modern Christian Music in China
Trying the Refreshing Fruits:Church Music during the Autonomous Movement of the Chinese Church
The Singing of All Birds:Church Music in New China
Chapter Three:The Diversity of Christian Arts in China
The Diversity of Christian Arts
