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当前位置: 首页出版图书人文社科社会科学人口学应用人类学:发展与文化多样性



定 价:¥42.00

作 者: (印)马图拉 编
出版社: 知识产权出版社
标 签: 民族学


ISBN: 9787513008235 出版时间: 2011-11-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 216 字数:  






Part I Towards Peoples' Anthropology: Theoretical Framework
1.Applied Anthropology, Development and Cultural Diversity
2.From Prognosis to Pragmatism--Applied in Anthropological Text and Dissemination
3.Problem of "Knowledge" inApplied Anthropology
Part II Development of Applied Anthropology: Potential and Prospects for the 21st Century
4.Global and National Dimensions of Universities, Public Health and Economic Development
5.Health Status of the Tribals of India: An Overview
6.Reducing Adolescent Suicides on the Aldea de Dourados, Brazil:A Proposed Psycho-Anthropological Intervention
Part III Applied Anthropology, Cultural Ecology, Environment and Bio-diversity
7.The Coupling Relationship Between Ethnocultural Diversity and Bio-diversity
8.Kani Model of Access and Benefit Sharing
9.Traditional Ecological Knowledge, Biodiversity and Sustainable Development
10.Transference of Knowledge Obtained in BGU to Facilitate Life Under Desert Conditions Elsewhere
Part IV Ethnicity, Public Policy and Applied Anthropologists
11.Emerging Role of Anthropology in Tribal Development: The Post Liberalization Scenario in Andhra Pradesh, India
12.Empowerment of Tribal Women & Sustainable Development: A Case Study From Attappady
13.Interface of Ecology and Culture: Indigenous Perceptions of Environment
14.Andamanese Mythical Signatures in World Mythologial Corpus
15.Traditional Craft and Cultural Revival
List of Contributors Applied Anthropology Development and Cultural Diversity
