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定 价:¥250.00

作 者: 海文音像出版社 编
出版社: 海文音像出版社
标 签: 建筑 建筑艺术


ISBN: 9787883944447 出版时间: 1900-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 127 字数:  


  This book is a short guide of architecture in Shanghai. The guide illustrates the architectural and urban landscape solely as an instant photograph and I have tried to refrain from including personal or general comments or opinions. As an architectural guide it contains illustrations of buildings, including photographs, drawings and indications of the location of buildings in the city. Furthermore, texts and photographs are explicative and unbiased in their content and significance. The guide is divided into six itineraries and each itinerary is divided into several sections, one for each building. Each section contains photographs, an exterior view as well as others to illustrate particular details or the interior view, a brief explanation, often a drawing and always the address in both English and Chinese. Each itinerary has a city map showing the location of the buildings illustrated.


  Luigi Novelli is an architect,graduated from theUniversity of Rome No.l"La Sapienza"in 1987.Since 1985 he has engaged in new design,redevelopment,restorations,maintenance work andthe supervision of construction.He worked mainly inRome and central Italy (Abruzzo,Sardinia andNaples).During the 1990s,he also worked in Albania.He went to Shanghai for the first time in 1992.Since 1997 he has worked in Shanghai (and Beijing)and written articles about Shanghai architecture for anumber of Italian architectural magazines.In 1999 he published the book: SHANGHAI AR-CHITECTURE BETWEEN CHINA AND THE WEST(Dedalo Publishing House,Rome).In 2001 he pub-lished the book: SHANGHAI ARCHITECTUREGUIDE 100 YEARS/100 BUILDINGS (Baijia Pub-lishing House,Shanghai).In 2002,two other guides were published creat-ing a series on Shanghai architecture.


Criteria and Comments
Shanghai:Urban Development and New Architecture
Ttinerary 1
Shanghai in the 1930s
Ttinerary 2
Longtang Housing
Ttinerary 3
Palmer & Turner Architecture and the Bund/Waitan
Ttinerary 4
Shanghai in the 1990s
Ttinerary 5
Shanghai People s Square
Appendix 1
Landscaped LeveI,Landscaped Ground and Landscaped
Sky in Shanghai
Appendix 2
Wandering and Wondering about both Bund\Waitan and People''''s Square
Language Translation Notes
