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Windows Vista与家庭网络构建

Windows Vista与家庭网络构建

定 价:¥78.00

作 者: 保罗尔(Joli Ballew) 著
出版社: 世界图书出版公司
标 签: 操作系统 Windows使用 家庭与计算机 计算机与互联网


ISBN: 9787506292955 出版时间: 2008-10-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 261 字数:  


  《Windows Vista与家庭网络构建》帮助您轻松实现家庭网络构建——架设、保护以及运行。 轻轻松松把您的家“连接”起来!这本直接明了的手册将给您在Windows Vista下构建网络的最基础技巧,给出最直接简单的步骤和大量的图示来帮助您独自完成,在您最需要的时候提供快速参考。对于帮助您构建家庭网络,并保持良好的运行,没有比这本手册更完美的伙伴了!


  Joli Ballew ,MicrosoftMVP for Windows is awriter trainer and digitamediaexpert shes theauthor of several popular booksincluding Microsoft Windows XP DoAmazing and BreakthroughWsndows Vista Find your FavoriteFeature and Discover the PossbflihesShe also Writes columns aboutWindows XP and Wjndows Vinafor Mifcrosoft.com.


Part Ⅰ
Chapter 1 Introduction to Networking
What Windows Vista Offers
Why You Need a Network
Types of Network Configurations
Types of Network Hardware
Additional Network Terms to Know
Chapter Summary
Chapter 2  Get Ready!
Configure Your Windows Vista-Based PC
Configure Windows Firewall
Configure Windows Defender
Chapter Summary
Part Ⅱ
Chapter 3 The Direct Connection Network
Create Workgroup Names
Physically Connect the Two PCs
Turn On Network Discovery on the Windows Vista-Based PC
Share the Hosts Internet Connection
Add a Second Windows Vista-Based PC
Add a Windows XP-Based PC
Get Help for Networking Older PCs
Chapter Summary
Chapter 4 The Wired Ethernet Network
Connect the Hardware
Personalize Your Network
Add PCs
Chapter Summary
Chapter 5 The Wireless Network
Get Started with Wireless Networking
Connect the Hardware
Add a Windows Vista-Based PC
Chapter Summary
Chapter 6 The Network and Sharing Center
Set Up Your Network Locations
Configure Network Discovery
Share Files
Share the Public Folder
Share Printers
Use Password Protection
Share Media
View Computers and Devices
Chapter Summary
Part Ⅲ
Chapter 7  Create User Accounts and Set Parental Controls
Understand User Accounts on the Single PC
Understand User Accounts on the Networked PC
Understand Types of Accounts
Create a User Account with a Password
Set Advanced Account Properties
Set Parental Controls
View Parental Control Reports
Chapter Summary
Chapter 8 Configure and Manage Shared Folders
Create Your Own Shared Folders
Understand Default Permissions
Understand Security Permissions
Access Shared Folders from a Windows Vista-Based PC
Access Shared Folders from a Windows XP-Based PC
Chapter Summary
Chapter 9  Turn On and Manage Printer Sharing
Share a Printer with the Windows Vista Operating System
Add Drivers
Set Security Permissions
Configure Advanced Printer Settings
Access a Local Printer
Add a Shared Printer Connected to Another PC
Chapter Summary
Part Ⅳ
Chapter 10 Create a Windows Home Server
Understand What Windows Home Server Offers
Know the System Requirements
Run Windows Home Server Setup
Configure Windows Home Server Settings
Manage Windows Home Server
Configure the Backup Settings
Configure the Windows Home Server Settings
View the Home Network Health
Explore Additional Features
Chapter Summary
Chapter 11 Work with Offline Files
Understand Offline Files
Turn On the Offline Files Feature
Select Offline Files
Work Offline
Learn About Sync Center and Synchronization
Use Sync Center and Offline Files
Create a Sync Partnership
Chapter Summary
Chapter 12 Add an Xbox 360
Opt for the Xbox
Meet Network Requirements
Connect the Xbox 360 to the Network
Configure the Xbox 360
Configure the Windows Vista-Based PC
Understand What Media Can Be Shared
Chapter Summary
Chapter 13 Access a Network Remotely
Know the System and Network Requirements
Create a Virtual Private Network
Set Up the Host PC
Make the Connection
Configure Additional Settings
Chapter Summary
Chapter 14 Maintain a Healthy Network
Use Windows Security Center
Protect Your Computer from Viruses
Work with User Account Control
Use Windows Update
Use Windows Defender
Use Windows Firewall
Use Windows Backup and Restore Center
Take Care of Your Hardware
Chapter Summary
Part Ⅴ
