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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语大学英语新概念大学英语泛读教程(第一册)



定 价:¥23.00

作 者: 吴景红,陈婧 主编
出版社: 东南大学出版社
标 签: 公共课

ISBN: 9787564135430 出版时间: 2012-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 176 字数:  






Unit One
Part One Text
The Blanket
Part Two Fast Reading
Many Moons
Part Three Supplementary Reading
(Ⅰ)The Riverman
(Ⅱ)The Origin of Chinese New Year
Unit Two
Part One Text
Ebay Makes Online Buying Easier,
Part Two Fast Reading
Doing Business on Intemet
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Top 10 Tips for Safe Internet Shopping
Unit Three
Part One Text
Before the Miracle Year
Part Two Fast Reading
Focus on Douglas Ivester, CEO of Coca-Cola
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Rockets Make Yao Ming Their Man
Unit Four
Part One Text
American Food
Part Two Fast Reading
Fadlacies About Food
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Bon Appetite!The Different Flavors of Beijing
Unit Five
Part One Text
A History of the Modem Olympic Games
Part Two Fast Reading
Five Mascots for Beijing 2008
Part Three Supplementary Reading
China Invites the World to Olympics
Unit Six
Part One Text
The Web Lifestyle
Part Two Fast Reading
The Internet Isolates Users
Part Three Supplementary Reading
How the Internet Works: All You Need to Know
Unit Seven
Part One Text
On Marriage
Part Two Fast Reading
Wedding Customs and Superstitions
Part Three Supplementary Reading
Can Marriage Be Universally Defined?
Unit Eight
Unit Nine
Unit Ten
Unit Eleven
Unit Twelve
Unit Thirteen
Unit Fourteen
Unit Fifteen
Key to Exercises
