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作 者: 孙军,林南南 主编
出版社: 清华大学出版社
丛编项: 高等院校物流管理专业系列教材·物流企业岗位培训系列教材
标 签: 经济学


ISBN: 9787302287063 出版时间: 2012-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 223 字数:  






Part One TextsChapter 1 Overview of Logistics Lesson 1.1 The Definition of Logistics Lesson 1.2 Some Interpretatio to Logistics Lesson 1.3 Competing through Logistics Exercises 1 Logistics Situational Dialogues 1 Case Study I Supplementary Reading 1Chapter 2 Warehousing Management and Inventory Control Lesson 2.1 The Strategic Role of Warehousing in Logistics Lesson 2.2 Warehouse Operatio Lesson 2.3 Basic Inventory Concepts Lesson 2.4 The Purposes of Inventory Exercises 2 Logistics Situational Dialogues 2 Case Study 2 Supplementary Reading 2Chapter 3 Traportation Management Lesson 3.1 Railroad and Motor Carde Lesson 3.2 Air Carrie, Water Carrie and Pipelines Lesson 3.3 Containerization Lesson 3.4 Intermodal Traportation Exercises 3 Logistics Situational Dialogues 3 Case Study 3 Supplementary Reading 3Chapter 4 Logistics Packaging Lesson 4.1 Functio of Logistics Packaging Lesson 4.2 Package Marking Exercises 4 Logistics Situational Dialogues 4 Advanced Reading 4 Supplementary Reading 4Chapter 5 Distribution Management Lesson 5.1 Channels of Distribution Lesson 5.2 Distribution Cente Exercises 5 Logistics Situational Dialogues 5 Case Study 5 Supplementary Reading 5Chapter 6 Logistics Information System Lesson 6.1 Information and Communication Technology System Lesson 6.2 Information Technology Lesson 6.3 Order Management and Customer Service throughInformation System Exercises 6 Logistics Situational Dialogues 6 Advanced Reading 6 Supplementary Reading 6Chapter 7 Supply Chain Management Lesson 7.1 The Definition of Supply Chain Lesson 7.2 Barrie to Supply Chain Management Lesson 7.3 Supply Chain Management and Integration Lesson 7.4 The Strategic Alliance in Supply Chain Exercises 7 Logistics Situational Dialogues 7 Case Study 7 Supplementary Reading 7Chapter 8 New Trends of Logistics Lesson 8.1 Green Logistics Lesson 8.2 Third Party Logistics Lesson 8.3 Revee Uogistics Lesson 8.4 Enterprises Cooperation in the Supply Chain Lesson 8.5 Trends of the Fourth Party Logistics Exercises 8 Logistics Situational Dialogues 8 Advanced Reading 8 ( 1 ) Advanced Reading 8 (2) Supplementary Reading 8Part Two Extra-curricular ReadingsChapter 9 International Logistics Lesson 9.1 Containerization Exercises 9 ( 1 ) Dialogue 9 ( 1 ) Talking about the Unloading Port Exercises 9 (2) Lesson 9.2 Main Logistics Documents Exercises 9 (3) Dialogue 9 (2) Change of Port of Destination Exercises 9 (4)Chapter 10 Purchasing Lesson 10.1 Purchasing Exercises 10 ( 1 ) Dialogue 10 (1) What Is Purchasing Exercises 10 ( 2 ) Lesson 10.2 Purchasing Process Exercises 10 (3) Dialogue 10 (2) Ordering Equipment Exercises 10 (4)Chapter 11 Export Payment and Export Documentation Lesson 11.1 Payment for Imports and Exports Lesson 11.2 Documentary Credits and Allied Documents Exercises 11ReferencesAppendix Logistics Terms
