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定 价:¥26.00

作 者: 安志宏 编
出版社: 暨南大学出版社
丛编项: 高职高专英语系列
标 签: 公共课


ISBN: 9787566802095 出版时间: 2012-07-19 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 188 字数:  






Unit 1 Giants in Business
Ⅰ Lead-in :Picture Talking
Ⅱ Comprehensive Reading:Passage A Bill Gates
Ⅲ Reading in Depth:Passage B Li Ka-shing
Ⅳ Reading Skill Focus:Context Clues (1)
Ⅴ Extending Reading:Rich Parents May Not Mean Rich Kids
Unit 2 Queens of Business Kingdom
Ⅰ Lead-in:Picture Talking
Ⅱ Comprehensive Reading:Passage A Mary Kay
Ⅲ Reading in Depth:Passage B The Most Famous Woman in China:Story of Yue-sai Kan
IV. Reading Skill Focus:Context Clues(2)
Ⅴ Extending Reading:Ding, 20, Strives to Become A Model Boss
Unit 3 Career Planning
Ⅰ Lead-in:Picture Talking
Ⅱ Comprehensive Reading:Passage A Kai-fu Lee's Talk about Career Planning
Ⅲ Reading in Depth:Passage B Indra Nooyi
Ⅳ Reading Skill Focus:Context Clues (3)
Ⅴ Extending Reading:Ma and His Successful Business
Unit 4 Brand Story
Ⅰ Lead-in:Picture Talking
Ⅱ Comprehensive Reading:Passage A Nokia-Connecting People
Ⅲ Reading in Depth:Passage B Nike-Just Do It
Ⅳ Reading Skill Focus:Context Clues(4)
Unit 5 Fashion Life
Ⅰ Lead-in:Picture Talking
Ⅱ Comprehensive Reading:Passage A Chanel-Always Elegant, Always Unique
Ⅲ Reading in Depth:Passage B Prada-Luxury Kingdom
Ⅳ Reading Skill Focus:Identifying References
Ⅴ Extending Reading:Lady Gaga Fashion-There Is Nothing to Be Afraid
Unit 6 Unique Business-running View
Unit 7 Fashion Products
Unit 8 Business Color Psychology
Unit 9 Personal Finance
Unit 10 To Be A Smart Consumer
Unit 11 Business Communication
Unit 12 Business Culture
