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Chinese Charactersand Culture(中国汉字)

Chinese Charactersand Culture(中国汉字)

定 价:¥38.00

作 者: 暂缺
出版社: 海文音像出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787884220236 出版时间: 1900-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 64开 页数: 143 字数:  


  《CHINESE CHARACTERS AND CULTURE》 is dedicated to readers who are interested in the Chinese language and its culture and enjoy learning some Chinese characters. The Chinese language is one of the oldest languages in the world. Its unique characters bear profound cultural connotations. In this book the author selected 36 characters, all of which are frequently used in modern Chinese language, most of which are characters of Chinese virtues and are deeply immersed in the culture. For each character the author first analyzed its structure and then proceeded to explain its evolution of form and meaning. The focus however is on explaining the cultural connotation, trying to unknot the close tie between its original meaning and cultural influences. A list of frequently used phrases was appended at the end of each chapter. The main purpose of the book is to help foreign Chinese learners better understand Chinese characters and its connection with the Chinese culture.


暂缺《Chinese Charactersand Culture(中国汉字)》作者简介


01 福
02 寿
03 缘
04 喜
05 爱
06 德
07 忠
08 忍
09 慧
10 思
11 仁
12 静
13 智
14 和
15 美
16 吉祥
17 财
18 宝
19 家
20 孝
21 好
22 明
23 东
24 国
25 汉
26 道
27 气
28 武
29 龙
30 竹
31 梅
32 棋
33 茶
34 食
35 鼎
