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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语英语学习/理论翻译模因论:翻译理论中的思想传播



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作 者: (英)切斯特曼 著
出版社: 上海外语教育出版社
丛编项: 国外翻译研究丛书
标 签: 翻译 外语 英语专项训练


ISBN: 9787544626996 出版时间: 2012-06-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 221 字数:  




  翻译研究领域声名卓著的学者,原芬兰赫尔辛基大学现代语言学系教授,著有《对比功能分析》(ContrastiveFunctionalAnalysis)、《论确定性——特别是关于英语和芬兰语》(On Deft—niterless:A Study withSpecial Refer—ence幻English and Finnish)等专著,发表过几十篇富有创见的论文。


Preface CHAPTER 1.Survival machines for memes 1.1 Introducing memes 1.2 Five tralation SHpe:rmemes 1.3 The lOCUS ofmemes 1.4 A Popperian meme CHAPTER 2.The evolution of tralation memes 2.1 Words 2.2 The Word ofGod 2.3 Rhetoric 2.4 Logos 2.5 Linguistic science 2.6 Communication 2.7 Target 2.8 Cognition 2.9 Theory in the current meme·pool 2.10 What next? 2.1l Review CHAPTER 3.From memes to norms 3.1 Normative VS.prescriptive 3.2 Normtheory 3.3 Norms oflanguage 3.4 What counts as a tralation? 3.5 Tralation norms 3.6 General tralation laws and normative laws 3.7 Norms as cotraints 3.8 On expectancy noH in English 3.9 Implicatio CHAPTER 4.Tralation strategies 4.1 General characteristics of strategies 4.2 A classification 4.3 Motivation CHAPTER 5.Tralation as theory 5.1 Tentative Theory.Error Elimination and tralational competence 5.2 Retrospective assessment 5.3 Prospective assessment 5.4 Lateral assessment 5.5 Introspective assessment 5.6 Pedagogical assessment 5.7 Mind the gap! CHAPTER 6.The development of tralational competence 6.1 Stages of expertise 6.2 The significance of memes 6.3 Teaching strategies 6.4 Ontogenetic=phylogenetic? 6.5 Bootstraps CHAPTER 7.On tralation ethics 7.1 Background issues 7.2 Norms.values and actio 7.3 Clarity 7.4 Truth 7.5 Trust 7.6 Undetanding 7.7 The Tralator’S Charter 7.8 Emancipatory tralation Epilogue Appendix References Author index Subject index
