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定 价:¥28.90

作 者: 施慧英 编
出版社: 东华大学出版社
丛编项: 纺织服装高等教育十二五规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787811118322 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 260 字数:  






Unit1 Job-Hunting
Objectives of Learning and Workplace Practice
Warm-up Questions
Part I Background Information
Successful Job Interviews
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Task 1 Listen and Practice
Task 2 Listen and Fill in
Task 3 Listen and Complete
Part 3 Practical Reading and Writing
I Resume
II Application Letter
Part 4 Practical Activities
I Presentation Practice
II Speaking Practice
III Writing Practice
Part 5 Related Words and Expressions
Unit2 International Business Reception
Objectives of Learning and Workplace Practice
Warm-up Questions
Part I Background Information
Reception Etiquette
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Task 1 Listen and Practice
Task 2 Listen and Fill in
Task 3 Listen and Complete
Part 3 Practical Reading and Writing
I Company Profile
II Telephone Massage
III Itinerary
Part 4 Practical Activities
I Speaking Practice
II Translating and Speaking Practice
III Test Your Business Etiquette
IV Writing Practice
Part 5 Related Words and Expressions
Unit3 International Business Meetings and Exhibitions
Objectives of Learning and Workplace Practice
Warm-up Questions
Part I Background Information
1. Business Meeting Etiquette
2. The Secretary's Role at Meetings
Part 2 Listening and Speaking
Task 1 Listen and Practice
Task 2 Listen and Fill in
Task 3 Listen and Complete
Part 3 Practical Reading and Writing
I Letter of Invitation
II E-Mail
III Agenda
IV Meeting Minutes
Part 4 Practical Activities
I Speaking Practice
II Translating and Speaking Practice
III Writing Practice
Part 5 Related Words and Expressions
Unit4 International Business Travel
Objectives of Learning and Workplace Practice
Warm-up Questions
Part I Background Information
1. Travel Arrangements
2. Business Travel Etiquette
3. Currency Exchange
4. English for Broadcasting at the Airport and
on the Flight
Unit5 International Business Negotiation
Unit6 Contract Performance
