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定 价:¥18.00

作 者: 金鸿 编
出版社: 高等教育出版社
丛编项: 高职高专电子制造专业规划教材
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787040324488 出版时间: 2011-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 143 字数:  






Lesson One
Part I Intensive Reading: The Nature of Electricity
Part II Grammar: Parts of Speech
Part III Extensive Reading: Why do We Get a Shock from Electricity?
Lesson Two
Part I Intensive Reading: Electric Field, Potential and Voltage
Part ]] Grammar: Prefix and Suffix
Part III Extensive Reading: Electric Field and Electric Field Lines
Lesson Three
Part I Intensive Reading: Simple Electric Circuit
Part II Grammar: Word-Formation
Part III Extensive Reading: DC Biasing——BJTs
Lesson Four
Part I Intensive Reading: Semiconductor Material
Part II Grammar: Word-activity
Part III Extensive Reading: Growth of Semiconductor Materials
Lesson Five
Part I Intensive Reading: Electrochemistry Basis
Part II Grammar: Sentence Backbones
Part III Extensive Reading: The History of Electrochemistry
Lesson Six
Part I Intensive Reading: Photochemistry Basis
Part II Grammar : Sentence Elements
Part 1II Extensive Reading: Photolithography Introduction
Lesson Seven
Part I Intensive Reading: Electronic Package and High-density Interconnectivity
Part II Grammar: Complex Sentence I
Part III Extensive Reading: Electronic Packaging
Lesson Eight
Part I Intensive Reading: Printed Circuit Board Imaging
Part II Grammar: Complex sentence II
Part III Extensive Reading: HannStar Board-GBM Consolidation to Create Largest PCB Maker in Taiwan Province
Lesson Nine
Part I Intensive Reading : Plated-Through-Hole(PTH) Technology
Part II Translation Skills: Translation Standards and Process
Part III Extensive Reading: The Disadvantages of Pattern Plating
Lesson Ten
Part I Intensive Reading: Flexible Circuits
Part II Translation Skills: Conversion of Part of Speech
Part III Extensive Reading: Design of Flexible Circuits
Lesson Eleven
Part I Intensive Reading: Inspection and Test of Flexible Circuits
Part I1 Translation Skills: Translation of Complex Sentences in Scientific English
Part III Extensive Reading: Printed Electronics Make PCB “Green Up”
Lesson Twelve
Part I Intensive Reading: Introduction of Display Technology
Part II Translation Skills: Amplification and Deletion
Part II Extensive Reading: Flat Panel Buying Tips
Lesson Thirteen
Part I Intensive Reading: Liquid Crystal Display
Part II Practical Writing: Resume
Part III Extensive Reading: High Luminance and Wide Color Gamut——for clear, vivid color
Lesson Fourteen
Part I Intensive Reading: Plasma Display Panel
Part II Practical Writing: Cover Letter
Part III Extensive Reading: Full HD Plasma Pane! Creates a True Full HD 3D World
Lesson Fifteen
Part I Intensive Reading: Light Emitting Diodes
Part II Practical Writing: Reference Letter
Part III Extensive Reading: Organic Light Emitting Diodes
Lesson Sixteen
Part I Intensive Reading: Semiconductor Devices and Integrated Circuits
Part II Practical Writing : Advertisement
Part III Extensive Reading: How Solar Cells Work?
Lesson Seventeen
Part | Intensive Reading: Semiconductor Manufacturing Processes
Part II Practical Writing: Self-Introduction
Part III Extensive Reading : Photolithography
Lesson Eighteen
Part I Intensive Reading: Packaging and Testing
Part I1 Practical Writing : Work Report
Part III Extensive Reading: Chip Scale Package
