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定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 扈畅 著
出版社: 南京大学出版社
丛编项: 高职高专十二五规划教材·机电专业系列
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787305086793 出版时间: 2011-07-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 286 字数:  






Unit 1 Introduction t0 Electric Circuit
Part Ⅰ Text:Electric Circuit--Series—Parallel Resistor Circuits
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:突破语音关、坚持“三说法”
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills—Resume
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:翻译概述
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:Some Laws and Formulas about Circuit
Unit 2 Introduction to Analog Circuit
Part Ⅰ Text:Operational Amplifier
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:一般会话策略(1)
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Letter of Job Application
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:词义的选择
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:Single-Phase Rectifiers
Unit 3 Introduction to Digital Circuit
Part Ⅰ Text:Basic Knowledge of Digital Circuit
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:一般会话策略(2)
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills—Advertisement
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:词义的引申
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:The Introduction to Logic Device and ICs
Unit 4 Introduction to Motor and Control
Part Ⅰ Text:The Three-phase Induction Motor
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:专业性口语交流
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Letter of Inquiry
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:词量增减
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:Basic DC Motor Operation
Unit 5 Introduction to Instruments
Part Ⅰ Text:How to Use Multimeters and the Oscilloscope
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:专业性报告表达
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Letter of Offer
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:词类转换
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:How Do Oscilloscope and Signal Generator Work
Unit 6 The Programmable Logical Controller(PLC)
Part 工Text:The Theory of PLC
Part ⅡSpeaking Skills:学术报告开场表达(1)
Part Ⅰll Writing Skills--Order
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:成分转换
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:The Application of PLC
Unit 7 Introduction to Mieroeontroller
Part Ⅰ Text:AT 89S52-8-bit Microcontroller
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:学术报告开场表达(2)
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Instructions
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:成分分译
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:AT 89S52--Special Function Registers
Unit 8 Introduction to Relays
Part Ⅰ Text:Relays
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:学术报告正文高效性(1)
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Sales Contract
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:倒译法及反面着笔
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:Relays Timing and Over-Current Relays
Type coc4-20-M1
Unit 9 Introduction to Power Supplies
Part Ⅰ Text:Information on Power Supplies
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:学术报告正文的高效性(2)
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Commercial Invoice
Parr IV Translating Skills:重复译法
Parr V Reading Material:HOW Power Grids Work
Unit 10 Fossil—Fuel and Hydroelectric Power Plant
Part Ⅰ Text:Fossil—Fuel Plant
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:报告后的质疑与答疑
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Bill of Lading
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:数量或倍数增加的译法
Parr V Reading Material:Hydroelectric Power Plant
Unit 11 Substation and Its Automation
Part Ⅰ Text:Substation
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:学术讨论用语
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Insurance Policy
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:数量或倍数减少的译法
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:Control from Afar
Unit 12 Introduction to Communication Technology
Part Ⅰ Text:Basic Knowledge of Communication
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:主持报告会用语(1)
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills—Bm of Exchange
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:被动语态的译法
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:ATM and Digital Signal Processing
Unit 13 Introduction to Optical Fiber Knowledge
Part Ⅰ Text:Optical Fiber Communications
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:主持报告会用语(2)
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Letter of Credit
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:长句翻译
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:Three Generations of Technology
Unit 14 The Distribution Automation System(DAs)
Part Ⅰ Text:Advantages and Configuration DAS
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:主持报告会用语(3)
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Invitation to Bids
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:难句翻译
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:Pole-mounted Equipment Interface and Fault Detecting
Relay for Radial System
Unit 15 Intelligent Building
Part Ⅰ Text:A Systematic Approach to Intelligent Building Design
Part Ⅱ Speaking Skills:会场上的技术用语
Part Ⅲ Writing Skills--Assignment
Part Ⅳ Translating Skills:上下文的关联与承接
Part Ⅴ Reading Material:Systems Evolution in Intelligent Buildings
Reading Materials
Reading Material 1 Commonsensible Concepts
Reading Material 2 Primary Concepts and Techniques of Network
Appendix Ⅰ Interpretation of Specialty Courses
Appendix Ⅱ 专业英语中的常用符号和数学式的表达
