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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语高等学校教材:油气储运英语教程(第2版)



定 价:¥37.50

作 者: 冯叔初 编
出版社: 中国石油大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563629930 出版时间: 2011-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 390 字数:  






Chapter 1 Oil and Gas Fields
1.1 An Introduction to Oil and Gas Production
1.2 Brief Description of Crude Oil Surface Treatment
1.3 Treating Oil Field Emulsions
1.4 Overview of Gas- handling Facilities
1.5 Trays and Packing
1.6 Gas Sweetening
1.7 Dehydration of Natural Gas
1.8 Hydrocarbon Recovery and Condensate Stabilization
Chapter 2 Pipelines
2.1 Types of Pipelines
2.2 Other Pipelines
2.3 Rheology
2.4 Line Pipes
2.5 Pumps and Pump Stations
2.6 Compressors
2.7 Gas Turbines
2.8 Pipeline Pigging
2.9 Pipe Coating
2.10 Inspection and Rehabilitation
Chapter 3 Storage Facilities
3.1 Storage
3.2 Tank Classification
3.3 Floating Roofs
3.4 Rim Seals
3.5 Tank Emissions and Venting
3.6 Tank Foundations
3.7 Fire Prevention and Foam System
3.8 Oil Storage in Rock Caverns
Chapter 4 Construction
4.1 Land Pipeline Construction
4.2 Pipeline Installation and Road/River Crossing
4.3 Offshore Pipeline Construction
4.4 Pull Methods and Tie-in
4.5 Welding Techniques and Equipment
Chapter 5 Corrosion
5.1 Causes of Underground Corrosion
5.2 Cathodic Protection Fundamentals
5.3 Pipeline Corrosion
5.4 Tank Corrosion
Chapter 6 Metering Installations
6.1 Metering Gases
6.2 Metering of Liquids
6.3 BTU Measurement
Reference Translations
Unit Conversion Factors
Special Terms
