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定 价:¥35.00

作 者: 崔喜哲 等 著
出版社: 中国水利水电出版社
标 签: 语言文字 语言.文字 英语教学


ISBN: 9787508481548 出版时间: 2011-01-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 308 字数:  






Chapter 1 Culture & Etiquette 了解老外的文化和礼仪
Lesson 1 The First Day You Go to Work 上班第一天
Lesson 2 Names and Forms of Address 姓名与称呼
Lesson 3 Using Polite Language in the Office 办公室礼貌用语
Lesson 4 Navigating the Place Setting 餐桌礼仪
Lesson 5 Cubicle Etiquette 工作中常见礼节
Lesson 6 Rules of Host 请客之道
Lesson 7 Netiquette between Colleagues 同事问的网络礼节
Lesson 8 Give Presents and Send Gift 送礼物和卡片的礼节
Lesson 9 Topics and Taboos for Small Talks 闲聊的话题与禁忌
Lesson 10 Corporate Culture in Different Country 了解不同国家企业的文化
Chapter 2 Different Departments 各部门英语大不同
Lesson 1 At the Reception Desk 在前台接待处
Lesson 2 Division Manager 部门经理
Lesson 3 HR Department 人力资源
Lesson 4 Secretary or Assistant 秘书及助理
Lesson 5 Sales Job 销售工作
Lesson 6 Logistics Work 物流工作
Lesson 7 Cashier and Accountant 财会出纳工作
Lesson 8 Purchase Work采购工作
Lesson 9 Department of Public Relations 公关部门
Lesson 10 Advertising Staff 广告工作
Chapter 3 Routine Office Work 日常办公常用语
Lesson 1 Printing and Copying 复印和打印工作
Lesson 2 Receiving and Sending a Fax 收发传真
Lesson 3 Filling Documents 整理文件
Lesson 4 Asking for a Transfer 请求调换工作
Lesson 5 Salary Raise 向老板提出加薪
Lesson 6 Asking for Leave 请假
Lesson 7 Work Overtime 加班
Lesson 8 Reporting Works 汇报工作
Lesson 9 Receiving Visitors 接待来访客户
Lesson 10 Handling Customer Complains 处理客户投诉
Chapter 4 Making Calls 电话英语
Lesson 1 Making Calls in the Office 在办公室打电话
Lesson 2 Making an Appointment 预约客户
Lesson 3 Telephone Counseling 电话咨询
Lesson 4 Receiving Calls in the Office 在办公室接电话
Lesson 5 The People is not in 要找的人不在
Lesson 6 Poor Connection Quality 通话质量有问题
Lesson 7 Transfer and Leave Message 转接电话及留言
Lesson 8 Telephone Answering Machine 电话答录机
Lesson 9 Have the Wrong Number 打错电话
Lesson 10 End up Calling 结束通话
Chapter 5 Practical Writing 应用文写用
Lesson 1 Memo 备忘录
Lesson 2 Short Note 便笺写作
Lesson 3 Announcement 通知
Lesson 4 Presentation 做好简报
Lesson 5 Business e-mail 书写商务电子邮件
Lesson 6 Invitation 邀请函
Lesson 7 Letter of Complaint 投诉信
Lesson 8 Letter of Engagement 约定函
Lesson 9 Sales Promotion Letter 推广信
Lesson 10 Letter of Thanks 感谢信
Chapter 6 Getting along with Colleagues 与同事相处
Lesson 1 Appreciation 表达感激
Lesson 2 Apologizing 真诚道歉
Lesson 3 Compliments 多用赞美
Chapter 7 Meeting and Negotiation 会议与谈判
Chapter 8 Maintenance 休闲娱乐
Chapter 9 Business Trip 商务旅行
Chapter 10 Job Hunting 现在可以开始找工作啦
