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当前位置: 首页出版图书教育/教材/教辅外语职业、行业英语21世纪大学实用旅游英语(第2册)



定 价:¥30.00

作 者: 孔卫平 等 著
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 语言文字 语言.文字 英语教学


ISBN: 9787309071368 出版时间: 2010-09-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 262 字数:  






Unit 1 Ice Breakers and Community Building(相互了解和团队建设)
Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)
Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Getting to Know You!(与你相识)
Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Birth Order and Personality(出生顺序与个性)
Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Community Building(团队建设)
Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 1:The Chengdu Panda Breeding Research Center(锦绣中华1:成都大熊猫繁育研究基地)
Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Noun Clauses(名词性从句)
Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)
Unit 2 Traditional Performing Arts(传统表演艺术)
Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)
Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Chinese Acrobatics(中国杂技)
Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Introducing Beijing Opera(介绍京剧)
Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Appreciating Traditional Performing Arts(传统表演艺术欣赏)
Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 2:Thousand Island Lake(锦绣中华2:千岛湖)
Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Relative Clauses(定语从句)
Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)
Unit 3 Traditional Sports and Recreation(传统运动和娱乐)
Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)
Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):In the Park(在公园里)
Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):In Our Spare Time(我们的业余时间)
Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):China's Unique Sports(中国独特的运动)
Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 3:West Lake(锦绣中华3:西湖)
Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Adverbial Clauses(1)(状语从句1)
Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)
Unit 4 Post Secondary Education in China(中国的高等教育)
Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)
Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Beijing University(北京大学)
Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Department of Chinese Music at Shanghai Conservatory of Music(上海音乐学院民乐系)
Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):The Annual College Entrance Examination in China(中国的高考)
Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 4:Hangzhou,a Splendid and Beautiful City(锦绣中华4:杭州——瑰丽漂亮的城市)
Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Adverbial Clause(2)(状语从句2)
Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)
Unit 5 Chinese Holidays(中国的节日)
Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)
Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Official Holidays in China(中国的法定假日)
Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Traditional Holidays:Spring Festival&Christmas(传统节日:春节和圣诞节)
Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Official and Traditional Holidays in China and the United States(中美两国的法定假日和传统节日)
Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 5:The Charms of Sanya(锦绣中华5:迷人的三亚)
Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Participles(分词)
Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)
Unit 6 Traditional Transportation(传统交通工具)
Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)
Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Pedicab Tours(三轮车游)
Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Bicycle Fun(骑自行车的乐趣)
Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Traditional Transportation:Pushing, Pulling and Pedaling(传统交通[方式]:推、拉和脚踏)
Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 6:Harbin'S Ice Festival: A Winter Wonderland(锦绣中华6:哈尔滨的冰雪节:冬天的仙境)
Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):The Subjunctive Mood(虚拟语气)
Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)
Unit 7 Train Travel in China(乘火车游中国)
Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)
Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Traveling by Train in China(乘火车游中国)
Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Bullet Trains(高速列车)
Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):China'S Amazing Trains(中国令人惊奇的火车)
Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 7:Huanglong Cave-ai Underground Magic Palace(锦绣中华7:黄龙洞——地下魔幻宫)
Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Subject-verb Agreement(主谓一致)
Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)
Unit 8 Flight Delays and Itinerary Flexibility(航班延误与旅程变化)
Part Ⅰ Introduction(介绍):Getting Started(入门练习)
Part Ⅱ Conversation 1(对话1):Oversold Flight(超卖航班)
Part Ⅲ Conversation 2(对话2):Changing a Flight(调换航班)
Part Ⅳ Intensive Reading(精读):Have a Good Trip!(一路顺风)
Part Ⅴ Reading Passage(泛读):Splendid China 8:The Potala Palace(锦绣中华8:布达拉宫)
Part Ⅵ Grammar Review(语法复习):Inversion(倒装句)
Part Ⅶ Unit Review Exercises(单元综合练习)
