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定 价:¥28.00

作 者: 郭兆康 编
出版社: 复旦大学出版社
标 签: 英语与其他外语 职业、行业英语


ISBN: 9787309070149 出版时间: 2010-08-01 包装: 平装
开本: 32开 页数: 505 字数:  






Part ⅠThe Front Office
The Manager's Remarks (经理的话)
Unit 1 Room Reservations (预订客房)
1-1 A Long Distance Call Reservation (长途电话预订)
1-2 A Group Reservation (团体预订)
1 3 A Face to face Reservation (门市预订)
Structure Study: will be+doing sth. (将来进行时)
Function Study: Connecting Telephone Calls (电话接线)
Exercises (练习)
Unit 2 At the Reception Desk (在接待处)
2-1 Registration (登记住宿)
2-2 Checking in a Group (团队登记住宿)
2-3 Extending the Stay (续住)
Structure Study: to be going to do sth. (一般将来时)
Function Study: Greetings and Getting Acquainted (招呼与结识)
Exercises (练习)
Unit 3 Concierge (I) (礼宾部Ⅰ)
3-1 See-in Service (接机)
3-2 Introducing Hotel Services (介绍饭店服务)
3-3 About Slow Delivery of Baggage (抱怨行李运送太慢)
Structure Study: Let me ...Please don't ... (祈使句)
How ...! What a ...! (感叹句)
Function Study: Offering Help (提供帮助)
Exercises (练习)
Unit 4 Concierge (II) (礼宾部Ⅱ)
4-1 Introducing Some Scenic Spots (介绍景点)
4-2 Showing the Way (指路)
4-3 Ticket booking Service (订票服务)
Structure Study: Have you ... yet? (现在完成时)
Function Study: Showing Directions (指路)
Exercises (练习)
Unit 5 The Business Center and the General Switchboard (商务中心和电话总机)
5-1 Fax Service (发传真)
5-2 Express Mail Service (特快专递)
5-3 Telephone Service (电话服务)
Structure Study: to be doing sth. (现在进行时)
Function Study: Expressing “Declination” (表达“谢绝”)
Exercises (练习)
Unit 6 The Cashier (收银)
6-1 Foreign Currency Exchange (兑换外币)
6-2 Checking Guests Account (核查客人账目)
6-3 Checking out (结账离店)
Structure Study: We hope that ... (宾语从句)
Function Study: Bidding Farewell (道别)
Exercises (练习)
Unit 7 Settling Guests' Complaints (处理投诉)
7-1 Changing a Room (换房)
7-2 A Complaint About Something Lost (投诉物品丢失)
7-3 Handling a Complaint About Room Reservation (处理对客房预订的投诉)
Structure Study: He said (that) he...
He told me (that) he ... (间接引语)
Function Study: Answering Complaints (答复投诉)
Exercises (练习)
Consolidation (复习)
Part ⅡThe Housekeeping Department
The Manager's Remarks (经理的话)
Unit 1 Guiding the Guests to Their Rooms (引客进房)
1-1Recognizing the Guests (迎接新客)
1-2About the Room Facilities (介绍房间设施)
1-3About the Hotel Services (介绍服务项目)
Structure Study: more ... than/the most ... (形容词和副词的比较级和最高级)
Function Study: Imparting and Reporting Factual Information (陈述和转述事实)
Exercises (练习)
Unit 2 Chamber Service (客房服务)
2-1 Making up the Room (收拾房间)
2-2 Cleaning the Room (打扫客房)
2-3 The Turn down Service (做晚床)
Unit 3 Personalized Services (个性化服务)
Unit 4 Laundry Service (洗衣服务)
Unit 5 Miscellaneous Services (多项服务)
Unit 6 Wake up Call Service (唤醒服务)
Unit 7 The Maintenance Service in the Guest Rooms (客房内各种维修服务)
Part Ⅲ Food and Beverage Department
Unit 1 At the Bar (酒吧)
Unit 2 Seating the Diners (顾客就座)
Unit 3 Chinese Cuisine (中餐)
Unit 4 Western Cuisine (西餐)
Unit 5 Serving Dishes (上菜)
Unit 6 Birthday Party (生日晚会)
Unit 7 Ways of Paying (付款方式)
Part Ⅳv Shopping Arcade
Unit 1 At the Tourist Souvenir Department (在旅游纪念品部)
Unit 2 At the Textile and Knitwear Department (在纺织织品部)
Unit 3 At the Art and Craft Department (在工艺品部)
Unit 4 At the Pharmacy and Foodstuff Counter(在药品和食品柜台)
Unit 5 At the Chinese Seal Cutting, Paintings and Stationery Counters (在篆刻、绘画和文具柜Unit 6 At the Cultural and Recreational Articles Department (在文化娱乐部)
Unit 7 At the Cashier's Counter, etc. (在账台,等)
Part Ⅴ Hotel Management
Unit 1 At the Manager's Office (经理办公室)
Unit 2 Hosting Guests (招待宾客)
Unit 3 Sales Promotion (推销)
Unit 4 Public Relations (公共关系)
Unit 5 Settling Complaints (解决投诉)
Unit 6 Dealing with Special Problems (应付特殊问题)
Unit 7 Staff Recruitment and Orientation (人员招聘与迎新培训)
Appendix I Elementary English for Hotel Staff and Management (饭店员工、干部基础英语100句)
Appendix II Useful Words and Expressions for Hotel Services (饭店服务常用词语)
Appendix III Menus of Chinese and Western Cuisines(中西菜谱举例)
Appendix IV Hotel Organization Chart (饭店机构表)
