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定 价:¥48.00

作 者: 李建民 编
出版社: 大连海事大学出版社
标 签: 暂缺


ISBN: 9787563224104 出版时间: 2010-02-01 包装: 平装
开本: 16开 页数: 371 字数:  






Part One Basic Knowledge of GMDSS Communications
Chapter 1 Global Maritime Distress and Safety System (GMDSS)
1.1 GMDSS Overview
1.2 Carriage Requirements of Stations
1.3 Licences, Radio Safety Certificates Inspections and Surveys
1.4 Test of Radio Equipment
Extended Training Exercise
Chapter 2 Distress, Urgency and Safety Communications
2.1 GMDSS General Provisions
2.2 Distress Frequencies
2.3 Distress Communications
2.4 Urgency and safety Communications
2.5 Search and Rescue Transponders (SARTS)
Extended Training Exercise
Chapter 3 Satellite Communication Services
3.1 Inmarsat General Provisions
3.2 Inmarsat Communication Servicest
3.3 Inmarsat Traffic Accounting and Billing Arrangements
Extended Training Exercise
Chapter 4 Maritime Mobile Service
4.1 Introduction
4.2 Basic Knowledge of Radio Wave
4.3 Classification of Modulations
4.4 Introduction of Digital Selective Calling (DSC)
4.5 Narrow Band Direct Printing (NBDP)
4.6 Maritime Mobile Radio Telephone
Extended Training Exercise
Chapter 5 Maritime Safety Information in the GMDSS
5.1 Introduction
5.2 World Wide Navigational Warning Service
5.3 The General Structure of Radio Navigational Warnings
5.4 The General Structure of Weather Forecasts
5.6 Inmarsat-C Enhanced Group Call (EGC)
5.7 Radio Facsimile
Extended Training Exercise
Chapter 6 Ship Reporting Systems
6.1 General Provisions
6.2 Amver Sh!p Reporting System
6.3 West.European Tanker Reporting System (WETREP)
6.4 Ship Reporting Systems in Australian
6.5 China Ship Reporting System
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Passage 1
Passage 2
Passage 3
Passage 4
Passage 5
Passage 6
Passage 7
Passage 8
passage 9
passage 10
Passage 11
Passage 12
Passage 13
Passage 14
Passage 151
Passage 16
Passage 17
Passage 18
Passage 19
Passage 20
Passage 21
Passage 22
Passage 23
Passage 24
Passage 25
Passage 26
Passage 27
Passage 28
Passage 29
Passage 30
Passage 31
Passage 32
Passage 33
Passage 34
Passage 35
Passage 36
Passage 37
Passage 38
Passage 39
Passage 40
Passage 41
Passage 42
Passage 43
Passage 44
Passage 45
Passage 46
Passage 47
Passage 48
Passage 49
Passage 50
Passage 51
Passage 52
Passage 53
Passage 54
Passage 55
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Passage 61
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Passage 89
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Passage 91
Passage 92
Passage 93
Passage 94
Passage 95
Passage 96
Passage 97
Passage 98
Passage 99
Passage 100
Part Three Key to the Exercises
Key to Part One
Key to Part Two
Appendix 1 Article 1 of Radio Regulations
Section I——General terms
Section II Specific terms related to frequency management
Section III Radio services
Section IV——Radio stations and systems
Section V Operational terms
Section VI—— Characteristics of emissions and radio equipment
Section VII Frequency sharing
Section VIII——Technical terms relating to space
Appendix 2
